Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Weight loss help....? -

Alright, well. I HAVE to lose weight, very soon. I ve been struggling with it for my whole life, and I feel like everyone around me is giving up on me, and I ve done so many diets. So I m going to have to keep trying on my own. What can I do? Something I ll be able to do without pills, a weight loss program, nothing like that. Just simple. Thanks.

3 things and 3 things only. Nutrition, Weight Training and Cardio.Nutrition - 6 small meals a day. Nothing after 7pm. No junk or white breads. Green teaWeight Lifting - 1 1/2 hours a day, mon thru satCardio - 45 minutrs before breakfest or after workout or both

just watch what you put in your mouth, NEVER allow yourself- oh this ONE cookie won t hurt... NO junk, and eat nutritious... thats what the weight watchers people said at my moms meeting

Jenny, try small changes to your eating habits like wholewheat bread and pasta instead of white, brown rice instead of white and eating baked chicken/fish instead of fried. Make sure to include lots of vegetables with every meal. Drink water instead of soda/juice throughout the day so that your hydrated. Try and be active at least an hour a day even walking through the mall can burn calories and be beneficial to your health.Hope this helps!

well defin. you should use something aerobic(that speeds up your heartrate).. like the stairmaster, treadmill, elliptical that being said i d personally recommend the elliptical since it works out more (ur arms, thigh, butt, lower back, and arms) for ur time.. not to mention since it does that it helps you burn more calories for your time working out...maybe work out about 2hrs a week however you want to do .. like two days one hour each.. or maybe 4 days 30min eachthen when you find that your starting to stay longer without getting so tired.. add a little more time .. also ... unlike common misconception you could work out with wieghts and not look all bulk u cant look very musclar only lean yourself and tighten (freeweights or machine) prob. since ur beginner i d say machine the machine. like these-��try do work with a weight lets say 5lbs in which u can do lets say 10 times (each time you do one lets it s called repetition-rep for short..so10 reps when you complete these reps thats called one set...then rest.. for about 10-15sec..then another 10 times.. (so ur starting on ur 2nd set.)etc.. for the first day and try to increase about 1 rep every time.. then when u about doubled the amount of reps.. increase the setsfor ex. after a while u will do1set of 202nd set of 20then u will add a third set.. and lets say increase it to 5 more reps.. then increase this one till it gets to 20 then and then once u have 3 sets of 20 reps.. or 4 u add more weight.. to lets say to 10lbs..and so onthe key is to keep increasing when ur body adapts.. like in time when it comes to aerobic, and increase reps and weights and sets..BUT AT YOUR OWN PACE.. THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE..