Thursday, November 16, 2017

Creative name for weight loss program? -

a school project for a video commercial. something creative that sounds fun. :)

The get your fat a$$ off the couch and get some exercise diet.

I scream {say it out loud to make sense of it}Shots of people screaming. Voice over: the latest horror movie? Scary ride? Favorite American Idol didn t win? etc.Shots of people in work out clothes in exercise class with teach yelling AND ONE. AND TWO. AND THREE People drinking water like they are working hard.I love I scream I scream helped me loose 50 pounds! I scream worked for me.My doctor recommend lots of I scream .You get the idea.

-Hips dont lie, so dont make em cry-fat b gone-Fatties dont be one-Weight loss for dummies-If youre using this program........ur fat-bust ur butt-ur fat-chocolatte is your boyfriend or girlfriend and its about time for you to break up-if you want a date, lose some weightHope that helped!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unskinny Bop, you already have a jingle. (Poison)

The Rampant Eagle of Districe Nine 2

Do you want to get more information about it? Please go to

Drop the pounds you hounds.

dont eat it , so you wont be it=) kinda goes along with you are wat you eat

Fit into your Skinny Jeans by Friday...

Shedding off pain

FAT FREE!Tires are for Cars.Muffin top madness.Roll away those rolls.

Just lose it!haha :)