Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How do you lose weight quickly? -

how do you lose weight quickly and not starving yourself???

First, get smaller plates. Most dinner plates these days are huge.Next, plate your food as follows, 1/2 the plate vegetables, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbohydrates. Fruit on the side or for snack.Eat less, and more often. Instead of three big meals, three small meals with three snacks in between.Shop in the outer sections of the supermarket. That s where the healthy foods are. The junk is in the middle.Read the labels.Go for items with higher dietary fiber. If you eat pasta, get whole wheat pasta. It has more fiber, plus I think it tastes better.Fats: You need them to process vegetables, so don t cut them out. Besides they help make many things taste better. Just cut way back. Also check and make sure the are unsaturated fats. That will help your cholesterol levels. The fats you want are usually the ones that are liquid at room temperature, but completely avoid trans fats. Trans fats are near liquid, but they are saturated fats and are REALLY bad for you.DO NOT CUT OUT SWEETS. By trying to cut them completely, you end up binging on them, then regretting it later.When you eat carbs, have some protein with them. That keeps your blood sugar levels even. Even if your not diabetic, your blood sugar levels can still fluctuate and cause problems.Condiments such as mayonnaise and butter. Do not use the light or low-fat varieties. Just learn to use less. That way, if you go out and the light variety is not available, you re used to to it and don t go overboard.If you do binge, do not get discouraged and go back to old habits. Say oh well, tomorrow s a new day, and get back on that horse.Walk every day, at least twenty minutes. Not a casual stroll, but a determined walk.Realize that this is a life change, not a diet. Diets don t work.

Lots of cardio.Find out what your ideal heart rate is for your age group and weight, and try to maintain it for a 45 minute cardio workout. Cut your portions (the size of a meal) to the size of 1-2 fists, but eat more regularly (5 smaller meals instead of 3 BIG meals).Don t over-eat, and don t eat within 2 hours of going to bed.Good Luck.And remember, magic weightloss pills, etc. that sound too good to be true... ARE! They may work temp. but will mess up your system so bad in the long run that it s really not worth it at all.

I good and natural way is to use Green Tea Extract and Apple Cider Extract. These products increase metabolism and burn fat and in the short run you can see that it has weight loss effects. Also you could use the slimming gel that contains Green Tea. All three products can be found at this urlhttp://bionaturaldrops.com/index.php?mai��

have you tried this workout video? ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr��

excerise. sit-ups or crunches work well or walking a little each day.

Go on cabbage diet soup for one week, I lost 10 lbs. Google it now. Don t eat a lot of carbs or after 7 p.m. Eat every 3 hours to stay full to preventing over-eating.

Try these healthy tipshttp://eating-healthy.net/healthy-tips.p��