Sunday, January 28, 2018

How can I lose weight quick and fast? -

I m a 19 year old girl weighing 182 pounds with a lack of energy. I have not so good eating habits but a weird appetite. What can I do to lose weight fast and safely and is there some type of supplement I can use to kind of help me out a bit?

take a bunch of laxatives...worked for Brittany Spears.

you have a big problem called obesity. With such a lack of energy and such a crave for food there are only to options. You can go the hard way and work for what you want but it may be a while untill you reach your goal weight wich is about 120-125 or go the easy way and have a special surgery done.

Tuck in your tummy whenever you walk. Get that proper gait. And the best way for that is to tuck in your tummy and inflate your chest. Do not let your tummy hang above your belt line like some unruly layer of flesh. Bring it under the belt. Each time you tuck in your tummy, you will feel the pressure on the muscles of your stomach. This tightening and loosening of these muscles is even better than stomach crunches.

look what i do is right after i get off the bus cuz i still go to school jog home drop of you bag and change clothes to a running outfit go jogging start out jogging then jog as far as u can from home. then you have to jog back so then you do it and your done for the day, but you have to go exercises right after you get home from what ever you doing cuz once you sit or lay down it is super hard to get up and work out trust me that s how i did it.....every day run more

There are many formulas you can use.Here is three of them:��

wear sweet pants sweet shirt and go for a mile run and work up to 2 miles

eAT loTs AnD loTS Of bReAd!!!!.....StOOpid


Here��s a pop quiz. Escalators help us to: 1.Move up and down faster 2. Gain weight 3. Stand stupidly as they move up and down 4 Look down at other people when you are going down 5. Look up to others when we are going up you have to pick the correct answer from the 5 alternatives given. You can see for your self that all the options are in a way correct. So the next time you travel on an escalator, don��t just stand there��climb up or down along with it. (Or better yet, take the stairs.)78. during commercial breaks walk about. If you want to sit all evening with your eyes glued to the tube, then do so. But at least spare your eyes the agony of a commercial break. When the next commercial flashes on screen, instead of surfing, get up and take a walk. Reach over and try to touch your toes or do any such simple exercise that will at least get the blood flowing in your veins.