Friday, April 27, 2018

How can you lose weight fast? -

USE your body. Walk . jog. run swim eat smart drink or better sip on 7 8 glasses of water daily so youyr system gets rid of toxins Stay in touch with nature, enjoi the beauty of it see how lucky you are to be able to breath to walk to talk ecc God bless good question.

Don��t be so sweet.Numerous studies have linked table sugar to increased calorie consumption. While sugar doesn��t do as much dietary damage as fat, you��ll find that when you eat sweets, you simply want to eat more�� of everything. Not only that, but sugar also makes your body excrete chromium, and chromium is a mineral that helps your body build calorie-burning lean tissue - so you want to keep your chromium levels up.

Build in some fave foodsIt��s fine to build some fave foods into your healthy diet plan. Successful slimmers do it as it helps them avoid feeling deprived. Make sure you choose quality foods that you really feel like eating (do you fancy sweet, savoury, crunchy, creamy at that time?), sit down, eat slowly and savour them.

burn more then 3500 and u will loose a pound. so eat less around 1000 calories a day bring up you tube and workout to hip hop abs..or learn to belly dance and save the $ for all the new cloths u will need! join sparkpeople too, its a great free website with tons of tools on it! worout for atleast an hour aday and not a whimpy workout...make urself sweat!