Thursday, April 26, 2018

Is it true that drinking lemon water will help me lose weight faster than just drinking regular water? -

By lemon water I mean either Dasani flavored water or just water with a slice of lemon juice squeezed into it.

I don t know if it s true but I supported my weight loss like that and I lost 55 lbs.The squeezed lemon slices are better, Dasani flavoured water is nothing more than water with artificial flavours and nutra-sweets(=carbs)Any bitter fruits like lemon slices will help your digestion to work better and make it easier for you to burn some extra calories.I also drank a lot of artichoke tea, disgusting but it helps.

I doubt it. There s nothing special about those, and plus they have some sugar so it might actually hurt.Regular water s always good! Ice water does burn some calories when you drink it, but not significant amounts.

no idea

You will lose weight from all the exercise you ll get by squeezing the lemons.

I ve heard that too...though not sure about the Dasani water, just squeezing a lemon into it is what I ve heard.

it will make you full so you won t eat that much


Not sure, but if it s ice cold, you will lose more weight

i wish

I don t know about weight loss, but I know that lemons are good for you.

i doubt it. lemon has acid and i don t think acid helps you lose weight. i would just stick to regular water.

only if your looking to lose water weight. It s just gonna make u pee more, and give the water a little flavor.

How the hell did you figure that one? LOL

those overzealous bottled water companies selling crappe is nothing more than advertising messages for people like you to buy flavored water! water should taste like water and nothing else. water is purifying. water is the gift of life.lemon, and i am being very vague, helps in a way that the citirc acid will actually work like laxatives. there s so much acid that it passes through the stomach faster, leaving very little room for digestion. i know, i fasted for 10 days prior to joining the navy. lost 16 pounds.

there is no difference between drinking flavoured water and plain water in weight gain.its just a myth.

That is the most ridiculous thing I ve heard all day. Just wear an onion on the left side of your belt.

A few people told me that it aids in weight loss because the lemon acidity cuts through fat. I plan on using lemon juice in my water on a consistent basis too so it doesn t hurt to try it. It just might work faster than plain water and be a tad better!




I don t think you got your facts right.

No.Eating less and doing more excercise will though.

cold versus hot water won t change anything. Lemon water will not help you loose weight faster, it is healthier for you, but it is not good if you are strictly trying to loose weight. Regular water is actually better for loosing weight. It also has other health benefits which you can read about here:��

No regular water is better! lemon also peels the enamel off your teeth making them less stronger.A good drink to lose weight is diet green tea.It boosts your metabolism and it tastes yummy.

Not necessarily true. Water weight can actually add more weight than you want. Just eat and drink heathily and you should be perfectly fine.

no its just for added taste