Thursday, May 24, 2018

How can i lose weight fast in an easy way ? -

especially on my face , neck and stomach please answer :)

There is no healthy way to lose weight fast and easy . Everything takes work and a while to work. At a minimum with healthy eating and regular exercise- 6-8 weeks.

there is no EASY or SAFE way to loose weight. And there is no way to loose weight from a specific area. you can tone those areas by targeting them in your exercise routines. I would suggest that you eat a balanced diet, drink LOTS of water and exercise. If you need help with what to eat, how many calories, what exercises to do you can check out it is a free community that helps you make good decisions for being healthy and feeling good about yourself. there are other websites out there that can help too, I only know about sparkpeople though. be safe and healthy and happy with yourself.

One exercise that targets the stubborn stomach area is called The Bicycle. To do The Bicycle, simply lay on the floor pressing your lower back to the ground. Your hands are beside your head. Bring your knees to an approximate 45-degree angle and slowly go through the motion of pedaling a bicycle. Your left elbow will touch your right knee and then your right elbow will touch your left the rest of tips here��

You need to do exercise every day and a follow good diet habit.Here a are some guides about weight losing and muscle gain :����

run for 30 minutes everyday. loosing weight wont always be fast, takes a lot of discipline and proper diet. exercise and eat properly, youll feel healthier and lose wieght the right way.

Try eating healthier..... when you by foods look on the ingredients make sure there are no corn citrus sryup. and if oyu eat right your loose weight in 1 mounth

Smoke Crystal Meth. You ll Drop A Ton Of Weight.

liposuction..ask a cosmetic surgeon

running up a mountain each dayrunning on flat surfaces just doesn t work

take a long sleep of 30day,no eating+free dieting,u ll be slim and trim..........