Sunday, August 19, 2018

How can i lose weight fast? -

ok...from personal experience or someone you know, what is the fastest way to lose weight? Like....what are some foods that make you loose alot of weight? And also what are some positions that help you loose alot of weight?

try the lil jack workout��

Adderall is used to treat ADD/ADHD now, but it was originally introduced as a weight loss drug. It curbs your appetite and gives you energy to do way more/ be more active.Unfortunately, Adderall is a schedule II drug and you have to have a prescription for it.... Just from experience, I started a daily regimin of Adderall (through being diagnosed with ADD and having a Rx for it) and did conscioulsy change my behavior and I weighed 10lbs less at my check up several weeks later....just think what kind of results I d have if I seriously worked out and purposely watched what I ate. These results are common for most, not just me...

If you want to loose weight, quit drinking Soda Pop. Start drinking water. And if you get hungry, eat some dry cereal. Specifically Oatmeal cereal and Special K cereal. At home when you eat, eat small portions.

skip-a-meal diet is good just leave one meal off your daily agenda and drink water or tea instead in just week or two you ll be really cool
