Monday, August 27, 2018

How much weight will i lose if...? -

If i drink OJ in the morning, only a salad at lunch and an apple for dinner. Plus working out a few hours each day. How much weight could i lose if i did this for a few weeks? How have you lost weight fast?

You d loose a lot of weight. But that is not healthy. At all. That is approaching anorexia territory, if not already there. You will loose a lot of water first, which will fool you, because you ll think it is working. But that is not working, that is just depriving your body of a necessity. After that, you ll burn through your fat storage, and that will be the area where you ll want to stop. But mentally, it s hard. After that, if you keep it up, you re body will start eating muscle, and it gets even harder to stop. your heart will get weak. It will get dangerous. So my advice is don t do it. Just give it time. Eat, but watch your proportions. Drink water. Exercise consistently. And be patient.

What you re doing sounds like crash dieting. Don t do it. Yes, you ll get results, but your body will not look good, and you could get some saggy skin. Always remember that if you lose weight too quickly by such a drastic diet, it WILL come back quickly. You won t keep it off if you lose weight the wrong way.You have to keep all food groups in your diet, and if you try to have a monotonous diet, you have more of a chance at failing.

I believe salad contains a lot of fat calories. But all you have to do is cut down on what you eat. Eat like half of what you originally eat and then drink about 8 glasses of water everyday. And when you exercise, dont do the same thing everyday. change it up. because your body will get used to the same thing everyday. you will want to change your exercises up everyday.