Monday, August 27, 2018

If I drink just water everyday and nothing else could I lose weight fast.? -

I want to lose weight as soon as possible, Yes I am desparate, I am tired of being bigger than I want.

if you drink nothing but water, and continue to eat as you do, so will still lose weight. If you only drink water and eat an extra veggie a day, you will lose more weight. Moderate your sweets, eat an extra veggie a day and drink only water, and you will lose weight and feel better.Try it. I drink only water and tea, and I lost a good deal of weight (my mother lost over 10 pounds just by cutting out her daily soda)good luck!

Nope, your body will cling onto as much fat as possible to reserve energy for your body to function, so instead you ll just feel really tired and weak.Eventually you begin to starve slowly, which is when your digestive system realizes there is something wrong and the self-ingestion process begins. This is when your body not only begins to lose dangerous amounts of weight, but the cells begin to die as they are not gaining the chemicals they need to re-produce. This is why skin becomes dry and lucid, the hair becomes straw-like, your breath becomes rancid and your stools become harder as you suffer from constipation.Clearly it is not worth it and doesn t work anyway.Any weight you lose, you will gain back on straight away because your body is desperate for it.

starving yourself is not the answer. you body will adjust to being in starvation mode and it will be even worse when you start eating again.If you are looking for a good diet plan I would check out the Strip That Fat Diet, it is top rated at

It depends on what kind of water. Bottled water, no. That stuff is made by Coca-Cola and it s loaded with fat. Hose water, yes. Calorie-free.

Honey I went on a diet in January and lost twenty pounds in ten weeks. My first ten pounds were lost mostly because I cut out sodas and drank water. Good luck you can do it!!!!!!!!!

go on fruit nd vegies diet eat pounds of fruits and vegies like 30 a day they speed up your matblism and make you loose wieght