Friday, November 16, 2018

Fun workout videos?!? -

whats something fun and up beat that will get me sweating and losing weight quickly :) ? thanks ! xox

I like Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone. She s so fun and upbeat.

I workout with some friend and we do Tai- Bo, Tony Little (partly because he is hilarious, and really does work us out!), and the Biggest Loser Tapes. I am not anywhere near being *overweight* so I am doing this mainly for toning and just to stay healthy.. but my best friend who is doing this with me has lost quite a bit, and is getting toned at the same time.The trick (in my opinion) is to stick with it! You cannot expect to lose weight/get toned by doing any exercise only once.. or only once a week. We do this about 4-5 times a week, and we constantly switch it up- partly because it gets boring doing the SAME workout day in and day out. These are relatively easy workouts (basically ANYONE can pick it up pretty quickly), very fun and upbeat- especially if you can get a group of friends to do it with you!, and yeah, it does get me sore and feeling like things are getting stronger/fitter/ better!Hope this helps!(But dont just take my word for it, try all kinds of different movies out and find what works for you... just because *Arobic Dance* didnt work for us, you might find it a blast!)Christa

Lose 30+lbs?withoutdieting

I use the S.W.A.T. Fat Burning video. It really works for me =)