Friday, November 16, 2018

What kind of foods should my diet consist of to increase my stamina and become leaner? -

I am 18 at 155 pounds and im 5 10 11% body fat ive been through lots of dieting throughout the years. I began dieting at the age of 14 then I weighed about 213 pounds 21% body fat. So i have come along way I have been through several diets such a slimfast which is horribile, medifast which is very effective but it takes alot of energy out of you, the atkins diet which i think by far is the easiest as well the most effective diet allowing you to build muscle and lose weight quickly. But the very large problem with this is that you lose alot of nutrients you need to grow and I think this atkins diet in particular has weakened my bones and caused my growth to be stunted to some extent. But any ways now im in the best shape of my life and eat an assortment of foods and exercise excessively. But im am conditioning my self to prepare for bootcamp in the airforce and i have been for 3 weeks. I am planning to study for the asvap and prepare myself physically for 2 more weeks and ive noticed my stamina isnt what it should for the 1.5 mile run although I can meet all the other physical requirements by far. I am wondering what are some things i can do to build my stamina for running and particularly what are the foods i should eat to build my stamina. I run/walk 0.8 of a mile every other day. I have slight pains in my joints because of lifting heavy weights and get shin splints sometimes when i run therefore I take calcium supplements for my bones so a low carb diet isnt very appealing to me. I would appreciate any useful comments and thankyou for reading my very long a$$ question.

beans, veggies