Thursday, January 24, 2019

What is the best way to lose weight fast? -

Ty xxx

Eat a packet of laxatives every day until you reach your desired weight!

If you want to reduce your weight a bit, this is a complex regime, that should help, I would get a pencil to write it down, in case you forget any of the intricate details.Currently only using the criteria lose weight there are 8,452 questions and answers on Answers already. Mis-spell it as loose weight and you get another 2,366! Weight loss will add another 1,707. Too fat 14,207 and overweight 2,445 and over weight 23,785!!!!!. Diet Pills gives 572, Hoodia 185, pink patch 106, Xenical 82 reductil 74, Slim fast 208 (and Slimfast 68 ) and orlistat 38 . Do you spot a pattern here?Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, loose weight, not be too fat or overweight, follow these instructions carefully:-1) Eat less2) Take regular vigorous exerciseRepeat 1+2 forever!

The best way to lose weight is to eat a HEALTHY diet, and EXCERCISE.For a healthy diet, you need to be eating small to medium meals regularly. 4 or even 5 times a day. Each meal (apart from breakfast which should preferably be fibre rich), should contain a balanced ammount of carbohydrates, (from potatoes, rice and pasta, etc) protien (from fish, chicken, occassional red meat, soya) and plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (simple fresh fruit and veg). Eat like this and make sure you are well hydrated (fruit juice is as good as water, any fluid counts, but some fluids have negative effects too, such as alcohol or caffiene rich drinks.)This doesn t mean you cant have chocolate or pizza/takeaway/etc, just save them as occassional treats.The big secret to burning body fat is EXCERCISE, particularly cardio excercise (running, swimming, cycling, etc).As far as excercise goes, you should aim to strike a balance between cardio training and strength training, this way you will build good strong muscle, but also keep your body fat levels down and increase your heart and lung performance, making you much fitter and healthier. If you want to be more slender rather than muscular, then do slightly more cardio and stick to light weights and long reps.

Safe, Quick Weight Loss Tips: * Start immediately to drink at least a gallon of pure water each day. Make the water as cold as you can stand it. The colder it is, the more calories your body will burn just warming it up. Add lemon or lime juice for better taste but don t add any sugar or artificial sweeteners. * Begin eating a diet consisting almost exclusively of lean proteins (like skinless chicken breast), green vegetables, healthy nuts (like almonds and walnuts), and healthy fats (from fish, olive oil, flax seeds, flax oil, EFA supplements, etc.). A small amount of fruit is ok. Try to break up your food intake into 6 small meals per day. * Begin a focused, efficient, and intense exercise routine. It s best to recruit the help of a personal trainer, either at the gym or through the use of a ready-made, trainer-designed quick weight loss routine (such as the Slim in 6 program). No matter what, do some form of moderate-to-intense cardio 3-4 times per week and perform strength training with light-to-medium weights at least twice per week. * Supplement your efforts with proven quick weight loss tools such as: whey protein shakes, a good multivitamin, and L-Glutamine supplements. Also consider purchasing a good heart-rate monitor to accurately track the intensity of your workouts. Get enough sleep. Most people need about 8 hours per night. If you re not allowing your body to recuperate each night you have very little chance of successfully losing body fat quickly and safely. That s it. Follow these proven steps for a few weeks and you will definitely be several pounds lighter. More importantly, your metabolism, muscle mass, and overall health won t be affected.

Be really disciplined. I went from a size 18 to a 10 in about a year and a half and it wasn t easy, but after seeing holiday photos of myself looking like a space-hopper, i knew i had to do something soon! I did lots of walking, stopped eating bread, potatoes and pasta and substituted evening meals with smoothies that i made myself. A typical day for me is - cornflakes with fresh blueberrys and pomegranite seeds with soya milk, a yogurt for lunch and a banana, and salad with quorn or a smoothie for dinner. Sounds boring but it really does work and i promise, you do get used to it. I still have chocolate and cakes occasionally, but no take-aways or anything like that, and no sugar in my coffee. Good luck. x

u shouldnt of procrastinated. exercise and eat 1500 cals.And by the way, the girl who answered before me is WRONG. Her advice is kind of like Atkin s diet. WHICH IS HORRIBLE FOR YOUR BODY. You lose mostly water on that diet. SO MANY DOCTORS DON T APPROVE OF ATKIN S. Too much protein can lead to obesity. And cold water burns a FEW more calories, but NOT a SIGNIFICANT amount. Research shows that if you drink room temp water, and cold water, you will lose the same amount of weight, at the same amount of time.

Drink lemon with water ( no no to sugar) okayTake a empty glass crush 2 lemon and add hot/warm water and drink it twice a day. I am sure about it that you will see a difference.Best of luck :)

Don t eat less, just eat healthy. Eat lots of fruits and grains. Drink lots of water and tea. Don t eat any junkfood and not a ton of dairy. Just run a coupl miles a day. Before you know it the pounds will be going.

well everyone around here have been running like crazy and hey even if i do hate running it does work. it may not be losing weight fast but it does help. plus there is no losing weight fast. you have to work on it.

Fasting, drink water, take vitamins, no calories for two days.

Watch your portion. Exercise and drink lots of Water. Healthy and the safest way.

run fatty runorliposuction

well i am in the same situation...just try not eating for a day thats wat i did last year i lost like 10 lbs

Diet Exercise.That s the only healthy way, unless you want a crash diet which isn t so healthy.

the good ol fashioned exercising and eating healthier

stop the junk food! and start eating healthy or u can buy a weight losing machine from (if ur in uk if not then its .com)hope that helps.

Exercise and no McDonald s!

The Scarsdale Medical Diet - Google it

drink watereat healthy work out (go to a gym)use hip hop abs videos

exercise, vegeables

exercising and eating healthier

diet and exercise

dont eat exersize

eat heathly! cut out the fatty foods and sugar

Eat less and run, run run.

cut off a leg

don t eat so much

don t eat.

Congratulations, for asking this.The best way to loose weight is to loose it very slowly.But here is the article on how to loose it fast. Follow it. Let me know the results, in your comments, and enjoy the benifits.*****************Quick Weight LossBy minootooIt is not recommended but it may be required in some rear case. One such case is before going in for some surgery.So here it is.1.A doctor must approve it. Or. You had recent physical.2.You must take vitamin supplement equal to or batter then Multi vitamin for Man or woman, over 50 years, even if you are much younger.3.Must not be on this diet for more then 1 month without doctor��s permeation.4.Must know that it is considered a starvation diet.5.Drink at lest 1 gallon of water but do not drink more then 1 ? gallon of water per day.6.Exercise 2 hours per day.7.Keep total calorie at 1000 per day, all vegetable and fruits; avoid fat (2% max calorie in fat).8.Make sure you eat vegetarian proteins such as lentils and pulses (American call them cereals, but not break fast type that contains mainly crabs9.Please note. If you use non vegetarian diet you will use up calorie, and will have hunger prangs. This is the main reason for vegetarian diet. Other then that you can use any thing.***********************Exercise 2 hours per day:You do not need to join a gym.15 minutes walk before each main meal, 15 minutes walk before bed time. Walk any where office, home apartment, side walk, road (if safe). Walk at good clip (fast as fast as you can).1 hour of other free hand exercises, break it up in 15 minutes, if you can if you like or must.A.Include free hand upper body exercises.B.Do seat ups.C.Do crunches.D.Do standing bends (try to touch the ground with legs spread to maintain balance)? Make sure you do not tip over. Do not have to touch the ground but must try to go as far as you can.E.Through the waist tilt your body slightly back, stay close to the wall so you do not fall back ward, be very care full, not to injure the back or back bone at the waist. F.Do some side bend, by bending at the waist keeping your hand on the side of thighs, may want to spread the legs for balance. Go alternate, do them left, right, left right.G.Do push ups.H.Do chin ups (if you can and have a bar available). Once this period is over, or once the weight loss is achieved then go back to other articles for maintaining the weight loss or for further loss as needed per Body Mass Index or at 1500 calorie level. At this level if you are non vegetarian then you can add 500 calorie of non vegetarian food without getting huger prangs or worry about putting on the weight.****************Life Style Change Program for Loosing WeightByminootooWho needs to loose weight?Answer is simply not every one, only the over weight person.Who is over weight?This is simple, it is easy to find out and it is available on line, it is call Body Mass Index, and calculations are simple. According to this calculation if you find your self say only 10 pounds more, you may not be over weight. Remember every one is slightly different and you can just watch it, on your own and not let it get out of hand.What is the reason for being over weight?This is also simple, have doctor check you out for any physical or hormonal abnormalities. The doctor should be advising you of your ideal weight even though you have already figured out the ideal weight and you are seen a doctor because your weight is not where it should be according to BMI.Basic understanding of loosing weight.Every one uses calories at all time. There may be some exceptions to this rule, for most of us; the rate of use, even when we are resting, we use 65 calories per hour minimum. This comes to1560 calories per day. The actual range is between 65 and 100 calories per hour. This is consistent with heart rate of 60 to 80 bits per minute.Simply put any person eating only say 1500 calories a day will not put on any additional weight. At this level of calories consumption the person should loose some weight over long haul, depending on the individual rate of metabolism.What is a healthy weight loss?When one tries to loose weight, one should loose excess fat; there should be a healthy loss of weight. Loosing muscles tissue is unhealthy.How much is one pound of body fat?One pound of body fat weight is approximately same as one pound of butter. If you look at a one pound package of butter, you will see it contains between 3200 to 3600 calories. This means that each time a person burns 3600 more calories then what the person takes in, the person will loose one pound.How many pounds should a person loose in a month?Any one that is trying to trim down can figure out how long it took to put on the excess pounds. The fact is; it did not happen over night. It usually creeps up, but the person realizes one day suddenly.This is why a person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Do not wait for New Year.Taking above in to consideration a person should not loose more then 2 pounds per month. If a person looses any thing more then that, chances are that the person will not be able to maintain the weight loss. It will take extra efforts to loose and it will take extra efforts to keep it off. Remember slow and steady wins the race.When an overweight person should start loosing weight?At once. The person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Again do not wait for New Year.How does body react to weight lose?Any time there is depletion of fat beyond certain level, the body reacts by slowing down metabolism, so that it can build up fat. If the body is use to say 2000 calories per day and detects only 1500 calories per day for considerable length of time it reacts to the situation by reducing the rate of metabolism. When this happens one need to help body by increasing activity. Usually takes about four weeks for body to react.What is the relationship between body and body fat?Under ideal condition fat act as a reserved energy source for our body. Certain level of fat is good for healthy living and even may save our life in certain life threatening situations. Every one should have minimum required level of fat on their body.What if there is no weight loss at 1500 calories in take level?This is a rear occurrence. Do not panic. The body has slowed down the metabolism to such a great extent that you must help it. The only way to help is to increase activities, this means you have to exercise. You do not need to join Gym but you can go on an an half an hour walk every day or batter still engage in a power walk for same duration. Power walk burns 250 calories per hour and walk burns 100 calories per hour approximately.What is the importance of body fat for a female?Females require little more body fat then men. In the absence of certain required level of body fat, females are not able to function properly; in particular they may not be able to conceive. You can find lot more about this on internet.At 1500 calories intake per day what one must drink and eat?DrinkOne gallon of liquids most of witch should be in the form of water (zero calories).Calories should be accounted for all other liquids.Why water?Water is a universal solvent, means it dissolves almost every thing at least in very minute quantities. This helps purification of body.EatWhat should be your proportionate in take of fat, Proteins and Complex Carbohydrates?This depends on what your need are.1.Need to reduce fat.Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.Complex Carbohydrates: 30 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.Proteins: 60 percent of 1500 calories per day = 900 calories.2.Need more energy.Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.Complex Carbohydrates: 40 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.3.Need to reduce weight only.Fat: 25 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 375 calories.Complex Carbohydrates: 25 percent of 1500 calories per day = 375 calories.Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.4.Need to increase muscles bulk, but still reduce weight.Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.Complex Carbohydrates: 15 percent of 1500 calories per day = 225 calories.Proteins: 75 percent of 1500 calories per day = 1125 calories.Exercise the muscles you want to develop, you can find right exercise on line, recommend use of light weights.Foot note: To take fat is so important, while reducing even fat, that it is included in all cases. If the fat is completely cut out, body will think of producing the fat, and will produce the fat by reducing metabolism, without fat in take, you may actually again weight even at lower than 1500 calorie level. You will feel run down and lethargic.How one must, drink and eat?DrinkEvery one may not be able to follow this regime.A 16 oz glass of water first thing in the morning will be very healthy start.If you need to stabilize your stomach before eating, you can have a glass of water just before each and every meal. This is the easiest way to meet your quota of gallon of liquids.EatTo day almost half the world is starving.In western culture. Standard healthy practice for long time was three warm square meals per day. No eating in between, but children were allowed night cap.All that has changed, present thinking is 5 to 6 times per day. Any way what practice one follows is up to them; to each his own.Another best practice will be a glass of water before bed time, nothing to eat f