Thursday, January 24, 2019

What is a good diet for losing weight fast? -

I have tried the Atkins and lost a good amount of weight but I have burned out on it. Have you ever heard of the Gabbage diet and does it work?

No diet works fast. No diet works fast.No diet works fast. Hope this helps! .

Just lay down the twinkies and ding dongs, exercise, and you ll shed the weight.

I have heard you do lose weight but its very little. I m just like you burned out on theses diet and tryin to find another good diet to try so if you find one please let me know.

Find some good informations aboutlosing weight fast at

That s the Cabbage Diet... Yuck! Yes, I heard of it. Talk about burning out on something... you will burn out in the cabbage diet, fast. I like Dr. Peter Gott s. No Flour, No Sugar Diet. You can more info on any seach.Good Luck.

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sure, do the cabbage diet if you dont want anyone hanging around you!! you will get nothing but a lot of gas with that. Plus, it doesn t work!

Drink tons of water

Any diet that lets you lose weight fast will only backfire with more weight gained in the long run.The best diet in my opinion is the Low GI diet. Check it out on the internet.

air is good