Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why are a lot of you concerned with losing weight FAST? -

I see a lot of questions on here with people who want to lose weight as quickly as humanly possible, often with risky crash diets. I d like to hear from you. Why is this? Why do you put your health in jeopardy? You do realize that you can lose weight safely and effectively just by eating healthy and exercising more, right? It might take awhile, but it actually works!

I like to equate this question with buying something over the internet and buying something in a store. It comes down to instant gratification. When you buy something over the internet you have to wait two or three days before you get your item. If you buy in a store you have it in your hand, instantly! You get to play with it or wear it right away and that gratification is what we crave.Losing weight fast equals instant gratification. I want to wear that outfit NOW! I don t want to have to wait three or four months before I can put it on....I want it nowwwww whaaaaa! I admit, I love instant gratification too but the OP is right, there are medical risks in rapid weight loss. Think of your health first and foremost and it will definitely be worth the wait (no pun intended)!

Lose maximum weight with six meals a daysix meals a dayWhat I am doing these days is eating meals 6 times a day. Health specialist also recommends that Men should take 6 meals per day and women should take 5 meals per day. When we take our meals in this way, we get a lot of benefits that help us to reach to a highest fitness level.Firstly eating six-time day helps us to increase our metabolism rate, as we are able to burn more calories during the day.Secondly we feel ten times better by eating smaller meals frequently during the day. This is because eating 5 to 6 meals per day helps maintain a balanced blood sugar level, preventing hunger attacks.It also helps to build and maintain muscles. The more muscle we get the faster our metabolism becomes. Frequent meals help promote muscle growth by regulating insulin levels and providing a steady flow of amino acids into the muscle cells.Eating frequently also helps efficient use of minerals and vitamins. With frequent eating our body becomes more effective in processing these nutrients. Include more and more protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats in to your diet.But eating five to six times a day, you will have higher energy level, Increased muscle growth and speeding up of your metabolism. So all need to combine this healthy plan with our exercise program as away to really burn some fat.

Because, by nature, people are impatient want to see results now, instead of having to work for it.

A crash diet is a diet which is extreme in its deprivations - typically severely restricting calorie intake. Meant to achieve rapid weight loss, a crash diet differs from outright starvation only slightly. Crash diets are typically unhealthy and are rarely - if ever - recommended by doctors or dietitians. Crash diets can lead to malnutrition, and are not a recommended means of weight loss.After a person discontinues a crash diet, the yo-yo effect is often seen. This causes a person to eat far more than normal, causing them to regain both the weight that was lost due to the diet as well as additional weight. This is caused by an evolutionary trait of the human race that historically only took effect in times of famine: after a famine ended, people s bodies naturally craved to regain both the weight that was lost, plus additional weight as well, in order to protect themselves in case of another famine.An example crash diet consists of a daily intake of 4 glasses of skim milk, 4 bananas, and 1 vitamin capsule; a boiled egg may be substituted for a banana. Also, large amounts of caffeine.[

I have to agree with you. I m overweight (5 4 and 225 lbs.), and even I know that anything worth doing takes time and effort.