Wednesday, March 13, 2019

If i stopped eating meat will i lose weight?? -

If i stopped eating meat will i lose weight faster?? I dont really eat chips, candy or drink alot of soda as it is, im ust pretty lazy and dont like to sweat and yes i know you have to exercise also and im working on that..

Cutting back on high fat meats could help. Meat does have its benefits, such as protein which can be hard to come by in sufficient amounts in a vegetarian diet. Switching to healthier meats such as turkey, chicken and bison can help. If you re really serious about losing weight you will need to stop being lazy and do some exercising. can still eat pretty unhealthy as a vegetarian

No, because other things that replace meat have calories too. You might end so frustrated at not eating meet, that you might binge on other foods. The only reason to give up meat if for ethical or religious reasons

dont torture yourself. just eat normally, break. lunch. dinner..if you dont lose then you dont.dont torture yourself!

nahh i wouldnt say so , youd only replace meat with carbs .. .suppose if you ate loadss of meat everyday/everymeal you might lose weight.

you might lose weight a little faster but you need protein in your diet. without meat thats alot of protein thats cut from the diet and its not healthy to go without.

Hi,I ve tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don t work!A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I dropped another 5 pounds safely. That s why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay $6.95 shipping and handling.Good luck!

Yes,be a vegetarian and be healthy,also its ethically right.Vegetarian diet helps to reduce weight.But take controlled diet,more of whole grains,fruits and vegetables,pulses and less saturated fats.NO junk food.jogging and yoga help a lot...