Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Is it true that avoiding bread products helps you lose weight faster? -

My mother says I m losing weight already.

you can eat bread but no white flour in bread

Yes. Compare once the calorie intake of a hamburger with the bun, as as opposed to a hamburger without the bun, commonly called a protein burger . (you get the hamburger meat served inbetwen lettuce.) You would be amazed. It s anywhere from 250-300 difference in calories!Next step...substitute a side salad instead of the french fries.You would really then be off to a good start.

Yes, it is true. breads are carbs,they produce yeast that feeds sugar. If you can avoid breads, you will lose weight. Just don t forget bread is not just bread but cereals, pasta,Basicly, to lose weight avoid big carbs in all you eat and drink.

avoiding is a better way to say dont eat but if you were eating white bread then yes. but u should eat whole grain bread (if you love bread, never say dont eat! ) whole grain is really healthy for you. some are 0g trans fat/no cholesterol. u NEED 3 servings off grains a it wouldnt kill ya.

Absolutely! Although drinking your ten glasses of water daily would help even more... It s the store shelve bread that is not good... the baker s bread is quite alright in moderation... and it all depends what you put on the bread that matters... stay away from fructose which is pure poison... Read the ingredients... Even white bread is okay if it is unbleached flour and you ll get it from your baker... and toast is less fattening than bread alone... especially for your mom... as it is not conducive to cellulite.