Sunday, April 14, 2019

How do i lose weight fast without doing exersise 10 points for long messages? -

he im 13 and im wondering if i can lose to like 10 -30 pounds fast as in 3 days max beacause if i get a date i want to be skinney not fat dso please anser ty all

My friend you know you can lose 10 to 15 pounds in one week, easy and fast...I have used a lot methods but this one worked best for me.They have a great method of losing weight in a short time.I ve lost about 45 lbs in less than 2 months. Believe me it works!

Listen I don t want to start making assumptions about your intelligence because I don t know you, but do you honestly think that��s it��s possible to lose 10-30 pounds in 3 days? Where would all that weight go if you lost it? obviously the excess mass has to go somewhere.Number one: the only way you could lose that much weight would be to remove one of your limbs. So unless you want to go on your date with one leg. I suggest you ask a serious question. Number 2: even if it were biologically possible to lose that in 3 days, it��s extremely unhealthy. There are people hospitalized for losing that amount of weight in short periods. I��m talking 20 pounds in a month is extremely dangerous.And number 3: what type of suggestions did you think we were going to give you besides exercise.( I suppose dismembering yourself like I had mentioned before).

Hey Kiddie,There is absolutely no way, healthy or not, to lose 10-30 pounds in less than 3 days. You d be lucky if you lose that much in a few months!Go on your date with confidence, then slowly begin changing your habits to healthier ones, such as eating healthier and exercising. 10-30 pounds could take months and months.You can do nothing about your weight in 3 days, the key to weight loss is changing your entire life style for the rest of your life to lose weight.Sorry kid.

Below mentioned 10 simple natural weight loss techniques will help you in shaping up your body to face summer with confidence in a matter a month.1.) Consume at least 5-6 liters of water every day. Water plays an important role in our regulating body functions and over 80% of our blood is made up of water. Water plays an important role for kidneys helping it to remove pollutants and improves metabolism. Water is a natural suppressant of appetite.2.) Say no to alcohol if you are damn serious to lose weight. Alcohol slows down the metabolism and thus more fat is stored in your body.3.) Saturated fats are the main culprits which causes excess weight. Intake of sugar and saturated fats should be strictly avoided by weight watchers. Avoid stuff like ice creams, desserts, sweets etc.4.) Intake yogurt, cottage, skimmed milk etc. in your diet which are low fat milk products. These products contain good amount of proteins which help suppress your appetite and are very much essential for building muscles.5.) Vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains contains good amount of carbohydrates which in moderating calories and fats in your body, they are digested slowly by the body and thus they help suppress appetite naturally.6.) Fatty acids such as Omega 3 boost energy levels and metabolism of your body. Fishes like Salmon, Mackerel and Sardines contains good amount of omega 3 fatty acids. They are rich Omega 3 fatty acids which help in preventing clotting of blood, control blood pressure, and decrease the risks of heart failure. They are very helpful losing weight.7.) Consume small meal portions at regular intervals, at least 4-5 times a day instead of the normal three meals. This helps in burning fat and boosts metabolism.8.) Add fiber rich food to your every meal. Fibrous food is more satisfying and it curbs appetite. The digestion process of fibrous food is longer and in process of digestion it appends to proteins and some fats in your food which keeps fats being digested. Food like fresh vegetables, Whole grains, lentils, brown rice, broccoli, nuts, figs, beans, fruits and peas are very rich on fiber and must be added as a portion of your meal.9.) Spicy food is believed to be the best natural suppressant of sugar carvings. Spices like clove, ginger, bay leaf, pepper, cinnamon, mustard, etc decreases sugar appetite and thus they are helpful in losing weight.10.) Avoid intake of junk meals before 2-3 hours of night sleep. This allocates time for better digestion of previous meal and thus more calories can be burn.

Step1Eat healthy breakfast.Have a healthy breakfast about half-an-hour after you get out of bed. If you make this as your daily habit, then you won t feel starved during the day. This simply means you ll eat less food during the day. Step2Eat 6 times a day.Yes, it s not a typo... Eating 3 regular meals and 3 snacks every day could lessen your overall daily caloric intake, which will in return help you lose weight fast. Step3Exercise with a realistic plan.The principle is to burn more calories than you consume every day. Try to exercise about 20 minutes every day. You can choose several types of exercises and sports to make it more excited. Step4Join an online weight loss group.Joining a weight loss group will keep you motivated in reaching your weight loss goals. Plus, you can learn from others weight loss plans and programs too. Step5Take a fat binder.Using a fat binder or fat blocker can really make weight loss easy and it s a healthy way to achieve it fast. It s beneficial in preventing some fat from being absorbed by your body, so less calories need to be burned off in order to lose weight fast.

three days isn t enough to lose that kind of weight. especially, if you expect to keep it off. you can do the master cleanse which takes about two weeks to a month to work, but weight loss is only one of the benefits. it s a detox, and since you re 13 the only healthy way to do it is to exercise or eat less.

you can t. the reason being is that if you starve yourself, you body will recognize this, and shut down certain functions including lower your metabolism, diet and exercise have to go hand in hand because your body needs the nutrients in order to burn calories, its like having to take a step backwards to take two forward. stop being lazy and run a bit, eat low calorie food and exercise. no way in hell your losing 30 pounds in 3 days tho, unless your 300+

Are you being serious?I hope your not.You can t lose 10 pounds a day..and at 13 too lose weight you need to be eating healthy and can just melt your fat has to be worked off..and thats an unrealistic amount.

you cant do that in 3 days lolbut if you want to not exercise and lose weight without exercise then drink water with everything, everyday, everywhere and with every meal and you ll be a good size:)

That is not possible. At all. You HAVE to exercise and eat healthy to lose weight. There s no way around it, kid. It takes months to lose weight. It can t happen overnight.So, get off your bum, go outside and play!

low carb like atkinseat plenty of lean meats and vegetablestake a supplementNOT POSSIBLE TO LOSE 10-30 LBS IN THREE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 to 30 punds in 3 days????? That wouldnt be possible even if you did do exersize all day.

Launch yourself into space. You ll weigh nothing up there.

I m actually marketing a diet tape right now. It s called DUCT TAPE!!! Put it over your mouth when you re hungry!

Try the Little Jack workout....�� it works great

you re an idiot

wtf you want to lose 10 pounds per day? Sorry, not possible