Thursday, May 23, 2019

Im thirteen years old and I need to lose weight fast.? -

I m thirteen years old and according to my doctor I weigh 187 pounds but I look like I weigh 130 or 150. I m already on a diet pill but how can I lose wight fast enough before the summer s over?

I have been through it all and know what s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I ve worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can t eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it s good for the heart.However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It s so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I ve found a great addition to help any one out, it s a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don t get all crazy on me and say diet pills don t work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn t meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It s an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at theweightlossplace .com along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it s the best pill I ve tried and I ve tried cupboards full. Now this doesn t mean you have to follow my foot steps but I ve successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.

its actually very simple:fat is, by definition, energy you eat which is not burned up - excess energy that the body does not need and stores as a reserve.The simple solution appears to be to starve yourself - while this may work, it will eat up all of your muscles and make you freaking tired and miserable for however long it is you starve, until you finally give in or die. This works because your body still needs energy for everyday functions such as breathing and walking.The healthy and best alternative is to burn this fat quicker - through exercise. You can still eat whatever you want (except fats, especially trans fats), as long as you burn more calories than you eat each day or week. For example, if you eat 2000 calories a day, that makes 14,000 calories a week, which means that if you want to gain no weight, you would have to do exercise to burn everything that is not burnt normally (which may be 500 calories a day or more through standard and involuntary functions).Simply put, the healthiest and fastest thing you could do is eat healthier and exercise everyday - 30 mins-1 hr per day is plenty. This is just what you have been hearing everywhere, and its true.The alternatives of strictly dieting and no exercise will work, but very slowly and very little, for you are just decreasing the amount you eat - not to mention that with exercise you could eat whatever you want [in moderation, eventually].Another alternative is the liposuction. I think there might be some youtube videos on how to do it lol - depends on where your fat is stored: take a scalpel and make a small incision before siphoning the fat out. I don t recommend it either, since it ll probably kill you in your inexperience, but like i said, exercise is best.

Would like to know why a 13 year old is being given diet pills in the first place!?The only way to lose weight is to eat crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks, fast food etc and to exercise more. It s very bad to rely on pills or stupid diets as these can affect your long term health and can make things worse. Please just try and be sensible about this!!

diet pills dont work and you cant lose weight fast it takes time the normal rate is 1 or 2 pounds a week depending on how hard you exercise and what you eat. you can still eat the foods you like just eat less of them and you will lose weight

damn ur fat i am trying to gain a little fat but i cant lol