Sunday, August 11, 2019

Can you lose weight fast by standing for long periods of time? -

can you lose weight by standing for long periods of time and walking and bending and stretching up high?and how much would you lose in a week of 7 hours standing 5 days a week?thanks xcx

You can definitely lose weight by being more active. As in walking more often, because every time you move your burning calories.

Caz.Stop.Now. Just go the gym and get real okay?Or swim, or cycle, or run up and down the stairs five times a day - but I can assure you that there would be no world obesity problem if the solution was to stand up for seven hours a day five days a week just walking, bending or stretching.Oh would that it were that simple!

That sounds like a waste of time...lolNo need to stand for seven hours..Walk for thirty minutes a day, and the changes will be noticed!

any exercise helps, but if what you describe makes you lose weight, why are there so many big cashiers and shelf stockers?

How daft can you get?

more than sleeping