Saturday, August 17, 2019

If i wanted to lose weight fast? -

could i eat any little thing even if full of fat and sugar but eat very low calories like pb diet eating that amount of peanut butter but eating so low on calories that it reallly doesn t matter .

everything essentially is okay in moderation but your metabolism quite literally thrives on what you eat. Youd be better off on a restricted calorie diet....not of bad foods though. Peanut butter is high in protein but fatty and oily as well. Try a teaspoon of peanut butter with apples. It tastes good and is good for you. I mean, even if you just eat 100 calorie slice of cake...It s still cake and those are very empty calories. The key is making those calories count.

As long as you eat less calories than you use you will lose weight, even if the things you are eating are very heavy in calories-it all depends on how much of it you eat. A tiny bit of a very fattening food which contains 100cal will be less fattening that eating 500cal worth of carrots-which would also make you quite ill...and a little orange.