Friday, September 27, 2019

What diet and exercise plan can i follow if im trying to lose weight fast especially in my stomach and thighs? -

please be specific i really need help fast so i can look good for summer

eat healty.. choose low fat dairy and meat products, increase ur intake of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetable (epecially dark green and orange vegetables), reduce the amount of oils/ fats u use(butter, maragrine,...), eat whole wheat products, reduce the amout of food u eat(but make sure u r eating enough...don t starve ur self).... andd andd don t eat foods high in trans fats or with hydroginated oils... aLSO, u can excersice 4 about 60mins a day... u can go jogging, play basketballl, soccer (or what ever sport u like), don t sit still. Also, u can try abdominal crunches and pushups..

it depends how big you are, how much you need to lose, and how much you can need to add more details.....but jogging..or powerwalking with weights that range from 2-5lbs neighbors do that to keep of there weight but it is by far the best option along with eating right layin off what you crave...drink more water