Sunday, December 15, 2019

How can I lose weight quickly? -

Im a female, 13 years old, long dark brown hair with grey eyes. I have muscular legs from running. Im 5 1 and weigh 105. I want to lose 8 pounds, like I used to weigh 97 three months ago. How can I lose these 8 pounds in 1-2 weeks? please help :)

do some walking. how much do you want to lose

first up, you are not fat and have no need to loose weight.Nest thing, the reason you were 97 pounds a few months back is because you are growing up, part of the growing will mean you need to gain weight, you cant get around that, if you dont put on weight, you will end up being under developed, not able to have kids and could end up with perminant damage. Trust me, I have been there.Not pretty.If your worried about your weight, see the doctor who can advise you but please remember that as a growing person, your body needs to gain weight in order to grow up, you cant stop the growing up, you will still age and you ll just end up with a body that looks and feels horrible. You need body muscle, breast fat, lean muscle to develop around your core (notice how little kids have pouty stomachs and adults dont? well having muscles around your core is why), to be able to process information in your brain, that needs to grow and get bigger- infact your brain is 70% fat, and weighs alot more then you think. You also need to have a certain percentage of fat on your thighs to have periods, if you dont have your periods and prevent them from happening, you can damage many organs in your body, and you cant have children if you dont have periods.Please talk to someone about this, you dont need to weigh what you did 3 months ago, your growing up, you actually need to put weight on!

I am afraid if you are really concerned about health, rather than looking for a quick fix, which if it does work is likely to be temporary, you need to concern yourself with lifestyle changes.Eat just a little less and do a lot more regular exercise, no less than 5 days a week.

Try the weight watchers ��points diet��.

You really don t need toat 5 0 you have to be 100 poundsand for every extra inch add 5 poundsyour at ur exact healthy weight

Well exercise is always an option; do it three times a day and drink a lot of water. Although judging by your weight you seem like a pretty good average weight to me. Don t go over board, if you go under the average weight you could become sick.

Same as going for me I am your age too. Exactly 5ft. That weight is perfect for you. You are growing that is why you weigh more. Your legs are probably the reason why you have gained a bit more pounds. You don t need to diet at that age it s perfect!

As per the above answers but I also just wanted to add that it is never healthy to lose 8 pounds in 1 - 2 weeks. The most you would ever want to lose is 1 pound a week, maybe 2 at a push. Any more and your body is liable to go in to a kind of shock where it will think you are starving it and then you will end up putting a lot more weight back on.