Monday, March 13, 2006

Is there any professional help for obese children? -

In a nutshell, my sister is 12 yrs. old, weighs 190 lbs., and wears a size 22 women s plus size. She is a natural vegetarian (she just loves vegetables! doesn t even like meat) but she has continued to just get bigger and bigger and my family and I are getting very scared. We think she may have a thyroid problem~ is there any way we can get her some medical help, maybe non profit organization or something that is minimal or no cost? We don t have any medical coverage and can t pay $1,000 s of dollars. If she doesn t have thyroid problem, is there any kind of professional weight-loss programs or help for children? (Gyms will not give memberships to minors). We live in Raleigh, NC. Any help would be great, thanks!


There is a federal insurance program called CHIP (Children s Health Insurance Program) that she can qualify for. It would cost your parents about $18 month. Call any hospital, the Medicaid office, or the school nurse and ask how to apply. CHIP is for people who are low income but not low enough to qualify for Medicaid. Then your sister can see a physician for a full evaluation. A dietician can help her. Many vegetables break down into sugar and can be just as fattening as candy!

You don t gain that kind of weight from vegetables unless they are all deep fried! I consider this child abuse! Why have you waited so long to do something about this poor girl??? It s disgusting to hear parents could abuse their child for so many years, and now wants free help!

Unless she is sneaking chips, ice cream, cookies, cake soda without your knowledge, she has a medical problem. Being so overweight could also lead to diabetes, joint problems, heart problems, etc...Your parents need to take your sister to a doctor immediately. This is the USA, free health care options are everywhere. That s what we pay taxes for!

Isagenix. Guaranteed results, even at her age. I am 55 and have lost 40 pounds (gone from a 14 to an 8). But when you visit the website below, you can see the success stories of people that have lost various amounts of weight. 7072538575. This program is endorsed by doctors, nutritionists, bodybuilders, athletes, famous authors (John Grey and Jack CAnfield) and hundreds of people like me. The program is incredible and I would love to help you.

its called a DOCTOR.have them put her on a excersize plan, but she has to stay commited to it!!if she really wants to loose.sometimes being a vegetarian isnt too good, because she might substatute fries for meat that kida thing.she needs protein so make her eat fish chicken every once in a while.

In a bizarre and unjust twist to the epidemic of do-gooders in the UK, children considered to be obese are being removed from their family home and taken into care (a children s home). How can it be right that you lose your kid (that you probably gave birth to) simply because he/she is a little overweight?