Monday, January 22, 2007

I need to lose weight fast!? -

what are some easy weight loss tips?heres a story that is one of my reasons ok im in school and for gym we have to SWIM! and since i look so terrible in my swimsuit some people laughed AT ME!! and it was really sad i mean they didnt just laugh they even pointed! and many other stories i dont wanna admit so any advice appreaited

Never, EVER set a goal to lose weight fast. Put a goal of 2 pounds a week. In the coarse of a year, you d lose about 100 pounds, which is a lot in the end. Just because people laugh doesn t mean you need to listen. Put into consideration people that are actually heavy;;people who actually are critisized to thier face. Ignore what they say. You can t get yourself in a funk over what others think of you. Been there, done that. More trouble then it s worth, and you end up stressed, gaining even MORE weight.

the only way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than you burn off. So, the more you exercise and the less you eat, the faster you will lose.But I have to tell you that most people who lose weight quickly end up gaining more back than they lost.... slow and steady is best.

just dont do participated

Fist of all, don t worry about what other say. Use it for motivation to excell and out swim them. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise. You can also jog and do some resistance training. Diet, well just eat healthy foods, stay away from sodas and junk. Just remember the exercise is the key. Burn more fat and calories that you take in. Look here for some other information on exercise and weight loss. I hope this helps you. Now, swim for the gold.

Nourish your body thin, instead of starving your body fat. Good carbs like celery and carrots will never make you fat. Bad carbs like cake will, but you don t need to know the whole science of glycemic load. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin and healthy. Salt has no calories but makes you fat and burning more calories does not help this fatness.Find out about fastest way to lose weight, most effective exercise, good and bad fats, water retention and secret trick used by models to flatten their tummy before an event. Reading a book will take you hours but the information on a post, taking minutes to read, is not enough. The webpage below has just enough to know what you need to know. Links page has gov. BMI calculator to find out just how much overweight you are (teens plug in your age to compare to others your age). Read this page with teen advice to see that you are beautiful and then click on home page.