Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to lose weight real fast + healthy? -

I am 15 but my height is 1.7m and I weight 75kg!!!!!!!! What should I do to lose weight real fast. I can t do evercise because I am busy with study and tutions. I have to eat what my mom prepare for me. I hope to get every way to lose weight real fast if can. Pleassseeeee....

You will lose more body fat eating protein and fat (don t eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast eat all you want but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter and half an avocado a day (you ll need added potassium). Keep the calories high and the fat percentage high, at least 65% of calories. Adding in green vegetables some cheese will continue weight loss but at a slower pace.If you starve yourself by lowering calories lower than are needed for the body to function, your body will freak out and will want to store every ounce in case it doesn t get nourished again. You need to give it adequate nourishment so it doesn t slow your metabolism down to adjust for lower calories.Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) triggers insulin which can store the calories you eat into fat. The more protein you eat the more the fat burning hormone glucagon is released. The more carbohydrate you eat the more the fat storage hormone insulin is released.Carbs are addictive and can be disastrous to our health. The best way to break the addiction is NO carbs for 3 days. Make a huge batch of deviled eggs and eat one every time you want something have huge omelets for breakfast, with bacon, a lil onion, peppers, mushrooms cheese. Pork chops for lunch. Get pork rinds and eat them with tuna salad. Steak for dinner. Make a huge sugar free cheese cake for dessert. Eat so much you won t feel deprived of anything. By the fourth day, your addiction will be gone and you can start making healthy choices.High insulin levels unbalance other hormones. Controlling your insulin level will balance out other hormones allow human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so you will gain lean muscle even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase your muscle mass with high HGH levels.Dr.Atkins was a cardiologist, low carb was a health plan easier sold as a diet Read any of his books for easily understandable science. Lutz Life without Bread Taubes Good calorie, bad calorie are excellent books that dispel all the nutrition myths.Reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass will have you in awesome shape in no time. Good luck!

Eat right and exercise...that s how to lose weight. You didn t put it on overnight, it s not coming off overnight and if you don t exercise, it ll come off even slower.You want to lose weight then immediately make excuses that you can t eat better or exercise...if that s the case, then you re not going to lose weight. You MUST consume fewer calories than you burn...eating healthy and exercise are the keys to that. Talk to your Mom about your desire to lose weight and perhaps she ll start preparing your meals accordingly.

As the others have said, you don t need a diet to lose weight. You need a lifestyle change. Eat four to six small meals a day. Breakfast should be your largest meal, dinner should be your smallest. Drink plenty of water. Avoid sodas and junk foods.

Do the stairs run swim the best ever go easy on losing or you will be a bundle of stretch marks visualize yourself the way you wish to be have your brain working on your body psychosomatic yes fruits veggie chicken fish good job do it slowly

Try the fat burning Fat X diet and fitness program. The diet and workout videos are free at

Being lean and fit is a result of making healthy choices over a period of time. There is no get skinny quick diet, pill, shake, berry that can help you lose weight, just like there is nothing that will help you gain weight quickly. It takes time to gain, time to lose. Make healthy choices and you ll be fit and look great at the beach, not just one day but every day for the rest of your life. Nutrition and exercise. Healthy choices. Healthy and fit is beautiful. The number one reason why people don t lose weight is because they rely on excuses of not having enough time to exercise or not having the freedom to eat what they know is best. the reason why they rely on these excuses is because they are emotionally connected to their lifestyles, they are comfortable, in their comfort zone, and are afraid of change, afraid of giving up what they know and doing things that are different. You ve got to know that it s your choices that are making you fat, it s your lifestyle and unless you change your lifestyle it will continue to make you fat and there is no maintaining your weight. As your muscles atrophy from a lack of exercise your metabolism slows down and you burn fewer calories, your hormone levels change and you have less energy, get lethargic and depressed, food makes you feel happier, for a while because it increases your blood sugar levels, but it drops again, leaving you more depressed until you eat more. You get fatter. And if you cut back on your food intake your body will think you re starving it and to survive it will start to save every calorie you eat as fat. On the continuum of fitness you will continue, for the rest of your life to move further and further away from fitness unless you make a turnaround. Once you start to exercise, build muscle, eat nutritious foods, your metabolism will increase, your hormones will return to normal levels and you ll feel better and have more energy. Your body will use the fat stored as energy and continue to use the calories you consume as fuel to complete the demands you make of it during your activity. You will be strong, toned, and lean and you will feel like you can accomplish anything, because you ve learned to ignore the fears of change, you will be able to feel so strong inside, and not just because you look good, but because you re able to really take care of yourself. You ll have a better life and you ll never return to the lifestyle you ve got now. But instead, people give up because they re looking for a quick fix, a pill, a magic berry, a glamourous diet to get thin, but they re really just trying to find ways of staying comfortable. Some decide that they are comfortable enough being fat and staying on the couch.What will you decide?If you want, I can help you by giving you suggestions and guidance, but it ll take time.