Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Does anyone kno how to lose weight fast or inches off the waist and hips? -

ok im a male with a pear shape body my chest is at an ok size but my hips waist and thighs stick out to the sides alot and makes me look way bigger than is i had a body going straight down. can anyone help me on how to reduce the size of that area fast? thanks

It s not going to happen overnight . . . exercise is your friend for shaping your body. Get out and run or walk fast for a half hour each morning, swim, cycle, do swats to tone your muscles, cut out fatty foods.

You can not lose weight in one area of your body. That is called spot training. To get rid of your pear shape you are going to have to lose weight all over. After you lose all the weight you want. You can regain the weight in muscle in the area you want to. Also, please read my blog post about fast weight loss. Remember, good things come to those who wait.

You can try wrapping Saran wrap around your body when you run. It will cost you to sweat more around your waist area and it will slim it down significantly.

Don t bother with Saran wrap.Try the new FDA approved diet pill ALLI with DIET AND EXERCISE!!!!This pill is suppost to help you lose body fat up to 50% faster. Check it out.