70% of losing weight is how you eat. You should eat 5 times a day, about every three hours to speed up your metabolism. Also working out using a lot of muscle Resistance training. Muscle burns a lot of fat very quickly. You want to increase you basal metabolic rate, which is the fat that is burned while doing nothing. Building muscle does this. Also, back to the eating thing proportion is very important. You should divide your meal plate in to 1/3 for your protein, carbs, and fruit veggies. In easier language the size of your protein should be the size of your palm. Good carbs should be the size of your fist, and fruit and veggies are free foods, so eat all you want. Oh yeah, veggies should be steamed with no butter znd stuff like that.Good luck!!!
There are many things you can do... here is a great website loaded with resourceshttp://lose-weight-fast-workout.blogspot��