Monday, May 23, 2016

What is a healthy way to lose weight fast? -

I was thinking about eating very little for a few days. Eating like apple sauce, oranges, fruit.. etc but not much at all. What do you think about that? idk tell meAnd if i exercise, say work out everyday at gym lifting some weights, how much can you lose in w week

Believe me, losing weight fast is not always the best option.The first thing that caught my eye is that you said you are considering eating very little. Did you know that if you don t eat atleast 1,200 calories per day, your body will NOT burn fat, but instead store it because it s not getting enough calories, fat, and nutrients? Try eating three decent sized, healthy meals or 6 small meals per day, adding up to 1,200 calories. Make sure to watch your fat, sugar, and sodium!Also, the best work out option for LOSING weight is cardio: Elliptical, exercise bike, jogging, etc. Lifting weights will not cause you to lose weight, but gain weight as you re building muscle instead of burning fat. I would try going doing atleast 45 minutes of cardio per day. With a 1,200 calorie diet and everyday workout, you could probably lose up to 5 pounds per week, having done it the correct way. Good luck!

I agree with sxcb but up to a point. You will lose body fat by lifting weight and thereby create a strong and shapely body. Muscle weighs more than fat so you may not seem any weight loss at all. Instead, focus on how your clothes are fitting. Waistband getting looser? Legs have a bit more room in pantlegs? Those kind of things will tell you how you are progressing. Stay off the scale, or at least only once a week. Losing weight fast is not a good idea. Try for 2 lbs. per week and be healthy. It will be easier to keep the weight off if you modify behavior with food and develope good exercise habits. Do you want to look different quickly for a time or differently for life?