Friday, May 27, 2016

Will fasting and eating one meal a day help me lose weight fast? -

I know that fasting will make me lose weight fast, but I dont think that I can last the whole day without food. Does anyone know if I eat one meal and fast the rest of the day will help lose weight fast?

no you need to east several small meals the nstop 3-4 hour b4 bed have you tried this workout video��

Why don t you just eat small amounts of (healthy) foods all day? That way you are never starving nor full, and are keeping your metabolism up which helps you maintain energy and constantly burn more calories. Like instead of just eating that one meal once a day, split it up throughout the day, and you won t have to starve yourself. By waiting all day for that one meal, or whatever you plan on doing, this isn t normal and if you ever slip up on your diet your body won t handle it well and will try to save all the food and energy it can, making you gain more weight than you would if you ate normal.

A better strategy is to have one main meal per day and healthy snacks (dried fruit, nuts, fresh fruit) through the day when you feel hungry. Reducing or eliminating red meat from your diet also makes a big difference, but make sure your body gets adequate proteins and vitamins. Fasting is not essential, and will create cravings when you fisrt do it. The type of food you eat is as important as the quantity.

Eating one meal and fasting is not your best option for weight loss. Instead eating several small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day combined with exercise will lead to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. Most people gain back the weight they lose on diets because they stop the diet and return to their old eating ways. If you returned to your normal eating routine after fasting, the weight would probably return very quickly.

As a matter of fact, it will help you lose weight SLOWER!! You ve got to fuel your metabolism to keep it working. To do that, eat three small, highly nutritious meals (each less than 400 calories) a day, and two small, highly nutritious snacks,(less than 100 calories). If you do this and exercise 30-60 minutes a day, doing something that makes you sweat and breathe hard, you will lose weight fast!

Don t starve yourself to make yourself skinnier. That might just lead to anorexia or bulimia. The best way to lose weight is by exercising. It might suck now, but in the end, it will be worth it. It will also leave you toned and fit, which are bonuses. And you can eat all the food you want. But if you eat a lot of junk food now, eating healtier would definitely help also.

If you fast or not eat, skip meals, your metabolism also slows down making it both difficult and unhealthy for you to look and feel good.Eat healthy i.e. 3 meals a day of fruits, veggies, some protein, dairy but only red meal once or twice a month. LOTS of water. Stay away from caffeine.

No, eating only one meal a day will not help you lose weight. That will slow down your metablosim and make it harder to lose weight. It 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, drink LOTS of water, and do not eat after 8 if possible.

No, you wont LOSE weight by not eating you ll get sick and you ll starve yourself, The best way to lose weight and maintain that weight is by exercising, being active and healthy...

The only way to be thin is to have control. simplyflawlesss

not eating won t help you. your body realizes that you aren t going to be eating alot so it stores the food it does get. so not really helping you.

no... if u want to lose weight eat like 5 small meals a day