Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How do i lose weight fast? -

I am only 18 yrs old an weigh 250 lbs! that s rediculous! I need to lose weight bad! I ve tried dieting an stuff but they aint workin! Maybe its just the kinda diet..idk! If someone knows a way for me to start losin weight pretty fast please help me out! Thanks so much

do the lil Jack workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr�� if you need to lose weight

Choose low fat substitutes or no fat substitutes. There are plenty of low fat or even no fat substitutes available in the market so why not choose wisely. It is much better for you heart too. Many people just go for shopping and pick up whatever they can. They do not bother to find out if there are nay substitutes for the thing they are looking for. In the markets of today, you will be astounded at the range of goods that manufactures have to offer. In fact with all the hue and cry that is being made about weight loss, low fat substitutes and no fat substitutes are hitting the stands faster than mushrooms that sprout after the first rains. So the next time you head for the stores instead of picking up what you have always picked up, see if there are better substitutes. Remember that our bodies need nutrients and not just calories. Fats give us nutrients but with more calories than what proteins or carbohydrates do.

When you do notice a change, reward yourself. When I say reward I do not mean go for some goodies like chocolates or sweets. Maybe you could go for a movie or buy yourself something like a new dress or a trinket. This is something that can keep you going. It is a good idea to save on the money that you wanted to spend on ice creams and chocolates and then treat your self to something more substantial.

you can t lose weight fast.. A) you just put it back on B) you re more likely to lose muscle than fat.you need to allow a few months for weight loss. A kilo per week is doable but hard work unless you change your diet and exercise 2 hours a day.Exercise is the only way. you need to use more energy than you put in.

Exercise out doors as far as possible. There are two advantages of doing whatever you are doing out side. One advantage is that it gives your body a chance to get a lot of the much needed fresh air and sunshine. The second advantage is that the surroundings keep you perked up and it is a break form remaining cooped up all day long

Go easy on salt, as too much salt is one of the causes of obesity. Make it a point to really cut down on salt. Try to bring down your salt intake to half of what it was last year.

bro hit me up i just posted a question about loosing weight....I m about 240lb ...im 20 when I was 18 I was 165lb. we can do it I ll let you know what I know and you let me know what you know. Gluck

Instead of frying things try baking them without fat. Baking is by far a healthier method of preparing food than frying. Baking requires lesser oil or fat.

You should run. It s the best exercise. I personally HATE running, so damn much. But on a treadmill its not so bad.