Monday, October 16, 2017

A strength training/weight loss program help? -

I am a Volunteer firefighter and i need some strength training/weight loss help I have dumbbells and cybex equipment useful to me

okay number one with the weight lossyou need to do a cardiovascular workout three or four times a weekcross training is excellent and so is the treadmillbut the sessions need to be 40 minutes to an hour that will get your metabolism working and burn up more caloriesDRINK PLENTY!alot of weight you loose it water weightnumber two strengthyou cant pile on muscle and loose weight but you can tone if you want to improve strength do weights but quick and fast and when you have a desired weight you can start to bulid up the muscle and feel greatfinallyto loose weight DONT NOT EATeating smaller portions and healthily is the keyif you dont eat your body preserves the fat because it needs it as energy to burn just incase it doesnt get food againsalad, chicken and rice are really good foodsalmonds can speed your metabolism up toogood luck :)

if u need to lose weight best thing to do is like 30 min of cardio about 3-5 times a week. dont eat a lot of food before so the fat stored as energy can release. And for strength training lift low reps (6-8) heavy weights. I cant give you much more info since your question doesnt state what SPECIFIC equipment you have...

Cool my grandpa was a firefighter.He received a reward.He still has it today.I m sure what you have would work to increase strenth.There was this thing i saw once on tv.It s black and you put it around your waste as you don t even try to work out and u loose weight from it.I forgot the name... _ Or..You heard of that Call Jenny thing on tv?EAT ALOT and still loose weight.They have one for guys too.That can be for loosing weight.