Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How can I lose weight quickly? -

I want to lose 15 pounds by Christmas. First, is this possible, and if so, what is the best way to do it?

Yes, its possible. Workout everyday. Especially do lots of cardio like running or elliptical. To get it off the quickest do a good weight lifting routine then do your cardio as you ll be in the fat burning zone hardcore doing that. Eat clean. No fast food or excessive fat/carbs. Lots of protein. Don t consume alcohol or eat late at night (past say, 8pm). Drink tons of water. It can be done but will take serious commitment on your part. Good luck and don t be discouraged if you don t get all 15lbs off. as long as you re on the right track

Let me first ask you a question my friend.Did you get all your extra pounds in a week?I think your answer should be No.Then how is it possible to even think that you can loose it so quickly?Well to my knowledge i think there is no fast process to do this but it s for sure that others will tell you o yes, this way possible, that way possible, bla bla!!The main theme behind extra pounds/weight that your body has is definitely related to the cholesterol of your body.The less cholesterol your body has,the less fat your body has and the less fat your body has, the less weight or pounds your body has,simple as that.So i think you should better know something good about cholesterol and try to balance it, and surely you will be seeing good results.The following site I came cross might help you to get the basic theme of cholesterol,what it does,and how to keep that in balance for your body to have a better shape.And stop eating junk foods and unhealthy dinners and you will be fine.

its all about calories. so you need to find out your BMI, which u can usually find this on a BMI calculater off the internet and them see how many calories your own body burns in a day. then exercise at least 5 times a week. add up the calories, and you should be buring at least 2 to 3 pounds a week (3500 calories = 1 pound) good luck!!!

Quit eating.No really eat less and go to the gym. For health reasons you should not loose more than 2-3 pounds a week, so 15 by CHRISTmas will be a little hard unless you are quite a bit over weight. As long as you burn more calories than you take in you will loose weight. You need to burn about an extra 3500 calories a week to loose a pound (I think)

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