Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How can i lose Weight faster? -

i just joined a gym now with what machine can i lose weight faster with the treadmill or the ellipitcal because with the treadmill i run for like 5 min then i get very tired but with the ellipitcal i run for like 10 min and i get a good workout from it but not as tired as from the treadmill

Best way is to eat right

Eat Enough VegetablesVegetables can play a huge role in helping an individual lose weight without dieting. This is because vegetables are very low in calories, especially green, leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and greens. Individuals can eat as many vegetables as they want in a day��s time without damaging their ability to lose weight. There are a few exceptions, of course, with potatoes and corn which are starchy vegetables and have more calories. Some vegetables are even negative calorie foods, which means they take more calories to burn than they have. Celery is a negative calorie food. Learn more about veggies for weight loss at Health Caslte.

do the cardio room.put it on 0 resistancedo intervalsdo the high one s fasterdo the low one s slowerCARDIO IS A FAT BURNER.don t just stick to one machine do different ones.( I just got told i have a 4 pack by my friend when we went to the pool)

Okay, ELLIPTICAL. i use to be 127 lbs... and i started doing 10 , next week 20, next week30, now i m at 45 minutes on it , and i m 111 lbs . but i m 5 foot . sooyeah ... but it burnes 3 x more callories . PROMISE .(:

I suggest the treadmill.However, don t all of a sudden start running like..super fast and stuff.take your time and do it at a pase thats good for you for about 20 min.dont tire yourself out too quick..-.-otherwise, it wont do any good...

Both work well, but remember, when you get tired on the treadmill, just slow it down to a walking pace. Or better yet, slow it down enough so you can jog a full 3 miles without stopping.

well you can t just hop on a headmill for five minutes and think that you ll loose weight. try actually exercising and limiting your food intake.

I would say the Elliptical.You are not only toning your legs,but your thigs, arms and stomach too.It would also help if you ate a lot of healthy foods too.But just DON T go on a crash diet!

Eat Healthy, and walking is a great exercise it is very consistant and you will lose weight fast.

I say you use Jenny Craig! I tried it and i lost 58 pounds!If you try it you will look great and feel great!

I think you answered your own question