Sunday, January 15, 2006

Should I Still Eat 6 Meals A Day, Even If Im Not Hungry? -

I m following a weight-loss program and it tells me to eat 6 meals a day, 3 hours apart each. Here s the problem- I don t get hungry every 3 hours! I m only hungry in the morning, around twelve o clock, and around six o clock. And I m barely feeling hungry at all even then! The question is, should I still eat the mid-meals, even though I m full? Whenever I eat them, it makes me feel a bit bloated, but at the same time I want to be sure my program works ke it s supposed to.

eating every 3 hours is to gain muscle mass

You only want to eat 3 times a day because that s how your body prefers to function. Everyone s body functions a bit differently, and many people will come across some strategy that works for them that they want to share with the world . It all comes down to something much simpler than that though.First of all, I think what you seek is not so much a weight loss program but a body fat loss program. Muscle weights more than fat, so if you build a workout plan around losing weight, you may be disappointed as you pick up some muscle along the way and your weight doesn t decrease as expected.Don t ever forget that your body *needs* fat to function. The recommended healthy percentage of body fat for males is 18-23% while for females is 25-30%. This gives your body what it needs to function effectively.On to dieting though. The problem many many people come across is that they have a ridiculous confidence in there being a special ultra solution in a pill or medical procedure. While everyone dreads hearing this, regular exercise is critical. It doesn t matter what you eat or don t eat if you don t exercise. Run around; play a sport; ride a bike. I like the idea of stand instead of sitting, walk instead of standing, run instead of walking, etc. You don t even need a membership to a gym. If you re younger as in elementary school up to early high school, regular weight lifting is not particularly good for your growing body anyways.Now I m sure you re impatient about the eating part. When you eat, most everything lies in moderation. Note though that things like soda, beer, fun snacks, and the like are totally empty calories and should be regulated quite strictly. For all general food though, eat a reasonable amount for the generic three meals a day. Breakfast is just as crucial as it is said to be so don t skip out. Cover the veggies and fruits and go easy on desserts. In many Asian countries, fruit itself is considered a dessert as it is sweet and can help with digestion. Lastly, don t eat until you are full. From the time you become full, it will take you a good ten minutes or so to realize it. Good Luck and feel free to e-mail me.

if ur not hungry have smaller portions, but stick w/ the 6 meals... just eat something small if ur not hungry, like an apple or something.

if ur feeling full, then reduce the calories from each meal and divide it equally...then u wont be full all the time

hi..!! My doctor recommended me to use and it is showing me noticiable results. .Good luck with it.

I would recommend you stick with the program for two weeks and then evaluate if it works for you.Eating 6 smaller meals will keep your blood sugar stable and your appetite steady.I do not know what you are in. But, 6 meals a day is a good program-depending on exactly what you eat.Good Luck.JJwww.bestabexercisesonline.com