Sunday, February 12, 2006

Motivational sayings, mottos, or mantras for healthy weight loss? -

I have been at Weight Watchers for weeks, but doing it half-heartedly. I just did some math and realized that it is entirely possible to lose 15 lbs. in time for my anniversary if I lose 2 lbs. a week for the next 8 weeks. In order to do that, I have to really commit to it! What are some sayings that you use to keep you going, when you feel like it s too hard so you should just give up? Please don t say Nothing tastes better than thin feels because if you think that s true, you haven t tasted my homemade cookies! My philosophy is that you can enjoy the best food, but you just have to have the right amount for your body s needs.

People get movitivated by two ways: 1) by a dream or 2) by a nightmare. Sometimes (usually), it is hard to stay motivated. Then, you will need to stay committed. You can tell yourself, You said you were going to lose 2 pounds this week then you should. Or, you can say, If I don t lose 2, I lose . My favorite is Nike s slogan, Just Do It .It is great you broken it down to weekly goals. 2 pounds a week is about .28 pounds (a little over a quarter pound a day). It is very possible. Good Luck.JJwww.bestabexercisesonline.com

I just say something really simple to myself. And you basically lie to yourself and say something like I like healthy food when you are shopping. Say it constantly if you have to. I m not going to lie; it works! Also, I tell myself to think thin at times when I start to stray and eye some bad food!You can do it!

You can loose your weight just like i did in 20 days time by best of luck in loosing your weight.

2 pounds a week is easy to achieve. I noticed you didn t mention one word about exercise. A great mental strategy to use for diet is, you rate your hunger 0 - 10.0. is starving1. is very hungry2. is pretty hungry3. is hungry4. a little hungry5. is neutral6. is Satisfied7. is Full8. is pretty full9. is extremely full10. So full can barely move.Diet: You should eat at when you re at level 3. When you serve yourself think how much do i have to eat to be at level 6 (satisfied). Service yourself that amount of food. A good thing to do is to drink a big glass of water with your meal.Exercise: Same principle of 0-10. 0 = laying in bed 10 is doing a full sprint untill you can t go anymore. Walk/jog at a level 6 intensity. for 45min - 1hr. You shouldn t be out of breath, you should be breathing at a STEADY pace, breathing deep. Mental: This exercise I am going to share with you has made the biggest impact on my life. I used to be 380lbs, I lost over 100lbs and I am striving to be a navy SEAL. Everything changed for me by applying this exercise. I got it out of the book The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness - Daniel Teintalbaum (don t think i spelled his last name correctly).We all need a motive to take action. There is a reason why we exercise. Our reasons are our motivation. What s the difference from weak motivation and strong motivation? A strong reason will result in a strong motivation. This is an example out of the book, i am changing it around so it applies to this context. Imagine you re in a hotel and you re laying down, and you start to see smoking coming from under the door. You need to get out quickly. You hear in the next room pounding on the door for help. Most people would TRY to help them. But imagine if the pounding from the other room is someone you really love, your mother/father/daughter/best friend. You wouldn t TRY to save them you MUST save them. And you ll do everything in your power to accomplish this goal. Why??? because the IMPORTANCE OF THE REASON There are 2 aspects to motivation, belief, and desire/reasons. In the above example, would you help the person if you had no desire to do so? Obviously not. If you had all the desire in the world to help this person, but believed you couldn t do it, you wouldn t even try. SO FINALLY ENOUGH THEORY TIME TO PRACTICE:You write down the best case scenario. You have to write it down as if it s really happening at this moment. I am assuming you re a women because you re talking about your anniversary guys don t talk about that stuff. Assuming this is an anniversary party. You can write down something along the lines, I reach down, and turn the knob of the door to walk in to the room where everyone is waiting. I walk in, everyone is cheering and applauding for me, and i can hear people talking about how great i look. this is a very short description. You should make it about 1 paragraph long, and you should make 3 or 4 of these situations. If you practice one too much it will get dull and stale.Doesn t have to be at the anniversary, could be at a beach, or someplace totally unrelated. This will give you the desire, but you also need belief remember? This is called power talking. You write out a paragraph along the lines of. By ________ (date) I will have reached my goal, I have total confidence in my self that nothing will be able to stop me from achieving this goal. Or a shorter example of this is... just say to yourself i am (goal weight) by (date) key here is you have to say it with intensity so it goes in to the subconscious mind.Practice the visualizing exercise for 15mins a day. you can break it up in to 3 5minute sessions. Which i recommend because, if you do it all at once in the morning, by the end of the day the motivation is gone. THE KEY to this exercise is to get to above a level 8 of motivation (0-10 remember). Don t stop the exercise till you get to level 8 or above.