Monday, March 27, 2006 -

Has anyone had any success with sparkpeople as a weight loss program? I m in serious need of losing quite a bit of weight and the website looks pretty good. Just wanted to get others opinions. Thanks!

I just joined up on this site. I don t think its the site itself that makes you successful or not. You have to be motivated on your own and make good choices on your own. However, sparkpeople has many great tools for losing weight. They have some really wonderful recipes as well as a calorie counter, meal planner, exercise suggestions, the list could go on for awhile. One thing that has really helped me so far is meeting the little goals. I also like the membership card they email you. I put it in my wallet so that everytime I pull out money to buy any junk food I see it and change me mind. Its a great little reminder that I can do this! Hope this helps!

sparkpeople is good. the only thing is, it gets boring after a while and then you eventually just stop going there. but, if you stick to sparkpeople and do everything they tell you to do, you will lose weight.