Friday, April 14, 2006

How can I stay motivated? -

Whenever I decide to start a weight loss program, I can t stay motivated for very long. How can I keep myself motivated for a long time?

visualize your weight. see the reactions of the people when they realize that you take action on your statements ,,,know that these reactions will compromise your integrity for you if you dont acomplish this know that every word that comes toward compromising is that of a negative energy..use this to utilise your truth and to defeat the negative that brings you to the breaking point and let those who do so know that they are not motivating you and u are now surounded by posative results .only if they ask.because they will know that your journey started with this first step...they will wish for your will to be theres..its really that easy

Its very hard... I even came in here and an asked for some dieting buddys, to kinda like report to once a day or when ever, I was hoping that would help, But after bout a month they all stopped An stopped dietting............... But I started again this week so imma have figure out a way to.. hehe If you d like to talk you can add me to yahoo messenger or e-mail me...Im goin to the beach in May So i gotta lose some weight..... lol Heres my email hope to here from u an if not good Luck!

No hard feeling but look at your self in the mirror and you will find the motivation.Nobody can tell you what to do exept your self. Regards.............

The first thing you could do is think positiv. Write down all the benefits you would get from losing weight. Put this paper somewhere you pass by everyday, a fridge or in the bathroom.think about all the good stuff you can eat, the healthy food you like.I like red peppers, tomatos, cucumber, fruits ... whenever I have a craving for something sweet i try to eat the healthy food. of course not always. Staying motivated means thinking positiv. No matter what you do try to find good things in bad situations. Loosing weight might be annoying for you sometimes but try to find the positiv aspect.I hope I could help you. :-)

By having people motivate you, I was on a quick start program from herbalife here the website and they call every few days to make sure that you are not cheating or skipping anything that really helped me lose the pounds and fast too. They dont just sell the products, they help you get the results you are looking for even after you buy the product.