Friday, May 26, 2006

I feel so bad, what should I do? -

My girlfriend says she��ll dump be if I won��t lose some weight and I think she means it. I��m 5ft 10 in and 209 lb. Any ideas? Although I have weight problems I never thought about starting a weight loss program. What do you recommend?

You should try a diet, but first check with your doctor. However, you need to start counting how many calories you eat every day, and make sure you eat less than you burn. You can find a calorie counter and diet planner at �C they have many free weight loss tools and weight loss charts you��ll find helpful. You must use the menu planner to calculate how many calories I eat, and the workout planner to see how many calories you burn. Have faith! You can do it!

I think you could take that in two ways. Either she said that to you because she loves you so much, or she doesn t like you at that weight. Either way, perhaps it s good to lose some weight. You could start going to the gym, and watching your food. Of course food isn t always the problem but if it is, try to eat as healthy as possible, try to eat 3 times a day and do not eat anything right before you go to bed. And remember to never skip your breakfast. If you need some professional help with losing weight perhaps you should pay a visit to a dietist, they will probably be able to help you out.

You ve got to enjoy exercise and the gym may seem like a chore. As long as YOU want to loose weight then go for long walks, jogging, swimming. Get a diet plan from your doctor and get a check up while your there.If she is worried about your health then she loves you, if it s just the appearance then dump her

1. Dump that ho!2. Lose weight and get some one 100 times better than that stupid shallow girl you re with.3. Not being mean, but 209lbs is a lot for 5 10 so do it for your health and just to feel better about yourself!(:

well you cant lose weight unless you want too, not only because your girlfriend wants you too. and that seems like a really superficial reason to dump someone, maybe she wants to help, but shes going at it all wrong.

judgeing by your wieght you should lose some, but as for your girlfriend telling you too, ged rid as she dont care about you the way she should

I recommend you dump her! If she can t except you the way you are then there is someone out there WAYYYY better then her for you!

Man, you should dump her! What kind of girlfriend is that? And you should pay a visit to the gym.

2 words.dump her.

dam dude what a ****** dump her