Friday, June 23, 2006

What are the foods that help? -

what are the special foods that the weight loss programs keep banging on about but just wont tell you?

the special foods they keep banging on about are in the fresh fruit and vegie section at the grocery store ....... they don t come in pretty boxes or bags with shiny writing on them ..... they don t have loads of highly processed chemically refined nutritionally void good for nothing useless highly addictive wallet emptying weight loss hampering man made sugar in them to preserve them and prolong shelf life ........ they re just sitting on the shelves in as close to their fresh natural condition........ as mother nature intended ....... fresh fruits and fresh green and salad vegies.... go easy on the fruits cos it s still sugar ... so go for low sugar fruits like watermelon and pears... and go heavy on the green and salad vegies........ rich in living enzymes that every single cell in your body needs to be vital and flourish.ditch the sugary processed and man made junk and eat more green plant food.peace baby?

you re welcome and thanks for BA.peace Report Abuse

Minx is correct, there is very little food you need outside the produce section for weight loss. Pick your favorites ( like bananas, potatoes, oranges, tomatoes ) and overdose on them, they do not contain synthetic chemicals which encourage weight gain, so you do not have to be too cautious when eating them. Citrus, pineapples, beans, oatmeal, pasta are especially worthwhile ( the talk about pasta on its own making people fat is baloney ).

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