Monday, August 14, 2006

Has anyone ever tried wu-yi tea to help them lose weight? Does it actually work? Any other weight loss tips? -

I heard that wu-yi tea is supposed to help you lose a ton of weight. Is this true? Does anyone know any weight loss boosters BESIDES exercise and healthy eating? I m just curious - swimsuit season is coming up!

I ve had good success losing weight with tea for the last 2 years. I ve recently found my favorite. Try it yourself.

I have been reading up on the acai berry myself. The acai berry s natural combination of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and amino acids work together to assit your body and make it function better. Your body will process food more easily and burn fat more efficiently. The acai berry has around twenty times the antioxidants of red grapes. It is a wonderful protein, and has a large amount of dietary fiber. The fats contained in the acai berry are healthy omega fats. The acai berry is loaded with amino acids, which muscles need to function properly and benefit from exercise. These amino acids combined with fatty acids allow the body to burn fat more effectively and help tone your muscles.I have found the following informational site very informative -

Hey, I recommend that you try Hypnotherapy!No, I m not kidding you on this. I used to weigh 198 lbs and my height is only 5 8 - for my height and with that kind of weight I m really obese! I tried the Master clense and other diet recipes, and I even watched Richard Simmons videos but they didn t helped me at all!I tried going to a gym with a strict diet once and within a week later, I stopped going to gym and started eating more than before. It brought me back to where I started again. I am sure you happen to experience it like me.One day, I was watching CNN news and they interviewed this hypotherapist guy, his name is Steve. I myself do not believe in hypnotherapy but the hypnotherapist was rather convincing so I visited his site ( and he has a Weight Loss Powerpack . I bought the part 2 Weight Loss Powerpack 2 which consist of Weight Loss, Stop Binge Eating and I Love To Exercise. It is more affordable than a month of subscription to the gym and having those strict diets.The first few days I realized my eating dropped significantly and my weight dropped a little. A week later, I begin to feel motivated to exercise and such! His hypnotherapy works! It has been a month already since I bought his program and I already lost 18.3 lbs! I recommend you give it a shot!

I ve been there and done that. If you are really trying to lose weight, you have to stay dedicated and determined to do so. I lost around 50 pounds using just these simple tips I m about to explain to you.I found three things to be the best but you have to use them together in order to get some great results. You have to understand that you are what you eat first. Dieting is something you might have to stick in there with and follow through with one. Some people can while others can t. The next thing you need to do is create a workout plan whether that be cardio or some other exercise to get the heart rate up. You have got to do at least 30 mins a day to get some results.The 3rd step that I m going to explain, helps a lot if you are slobbish on your diet or just need some help with it all. For me, it s a natural herbal supplement called Proactol. It s a fat binder and an appetite suppressant. I m very health consicious and having this supplement that is made from natural herbs, you really can t beat it. It s helped me so much but absorbing up to 28% of fat that you intake. Which means if you aren t following your dieting plans, you have a little more room for food being on the supplement. The appetite suppressant part works wonderfully too so you can actually stay away from the cookies and brownies. These steps really worked for me, you should try them out for yourself even if you want to lose very little or that extra mile. Also at the time of my 3 month supply purchase of Proactol, I saved a lot of money on it at luck and I hope this helps you out for your weight loss goals.

Nop, but I am getting fantastic results with this new weight loss pill. It s a pharmaceutically manufactured miracle formula that surpasses the original Phentermine in both performance and safety.Not only does it work the way it s supposed to, but you don t need a prescription! Already lost 20 pounds! I m so happy! ;)You should try it:��

The Burn The Fat system was developed by long time builder and fitness expert Tom Venuto. Tom says he can show you a fool proof way to turbo charge your metabolism and burn pounds of fat off your body. Because his plan focuses on fat loss and not weight loss, there is no need to starve yourself or go through any of those fad diets that you see on TV and the internet...

Wu yi will aid you in loosing weight to some degree..but you won t see like drastic drastic change .... what I ve done in my help me when I was trying to loose weight was a cleanse..because you have to get the old...*** bad stuff** out of your body first before you can start putting good in ...and seeing results in what your doing to loose weight. This may help educate you more as it has with me...I lost 18lbs in 10 days.

its not about getting the weight off,its only about getting the excess fat off...if your body fat percentage is more than 30,just mix toning/resistance workouts with the usual cardio as often as possible and eat healthy for life...thats all...supplements ruin your wallet!

I cannot really answer this question, but I saw on this site where they gave a positive review of wu yi tea

No. You can not just eat/drink some magic tea and look like the girls in your precious cleo.Exercise, healthy eating = only way to lose weight effectively, and keep it off.