Thursday, May 24, 2007

Advice on weight loss for college kid? -

I m in college and need some advice on some good ideas of exercises or weight loss tips that won t take up tons of time and that I can do without having a gym at hand.

Make sure you make time for breakfast. It should be the biggest meal of the day. Snack three times a day on things like carrots, apples, celery. Drink water. If you feel hungry and you ve already had your meal or your snack water will make you feel full. If you don t like water then try other non-caffeine, non-carbonated beverages.You could also do 2 minutes of sit ups and push ups a day. That s 4 minutes of excercise a day that ll show you plenty of results.If you like to walk or run...a 1/2 hour a day...even better

I just recently discovered a natural healthy way to gain energy and lose weight that s even safe for people with diabetes. I implemented an anti-oxidant juice, a healthy energy drink (that only cost $1.oo per serving), and a simple and great ��No Diet Weight Loss Plan�� into my life. I feel 100% better and have a ton of more energy than I have ever had and I have lost 2 1/2 in my waist and I have lost 22 pounds (29 more to go) in only the last 30 days. What��s incredible (honestly) is that I did not diet (that��s boring), eat special foods (that cost extra money), skip meals (that makes your stomach growl), or even exercise (as I can not because of disc damage in my lower back). I have been told that I can not send a web link through this service but if you would like e-mail me or IM me from my profile and I will point you to the web site and to the products that have changed my life and vastly improved my health

id try pilates. i know most oldies do it but it works. ive done it to loss weight fast . oh and eat more veggies. that works out. less sugar and carbs and your good. try not to go back for seconds. but dont starve yourself.

When I went away to college, I lost about 10 pounds the first year or so, and it was for two reasons: #1- I had no money and couldn t afford any food except what was in the cafe during my breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. Tip: Just make sure you don t have an abundance of money on you, so you re not tempted to go buy junk.#2- I walked EVERYWHERE. I grew to LOVE walking, and not only walked to get from place to place, but walked for relaxation, too. Great way to clear your head after homework and studying.

Hi,I ve tried all different diets, and the weight loss is only temporary. I finally tried diet pills on the market are made from Hoodia. I saw this stuff on ABC News. It s all natural and safe, and it works! My wife took it for a month and dropped 20 pounds. I took it for a month and lost about 13 (but I didn t exercise).I bought the natural hoodia from this website:�� . I checked the web site address so I can post it here and I saw they re running a promotion now to get a free 2 week sample for only $4.97! I m going to order this supply for my wife and give it to her for Christmas =)

excercise everyday something that gets u active and burns calories.

Sit ups, push ups, go for jogs

You can run or walk at least 5 times a week.Also cut down your food portions and eat lots of vegtables.