Saturday, May 26, 2007

Am I overweight? Weight loss tips? -

I am 5 feet tall, (a girl) and I weigh 118 pounds. I am really self-concious about my weight but my friend keeps telling me that I m not overweight, I m just wondering whether or not she s right...? Also, does anyone have some good weight-loss tips? I m athletically challenged so I really don t play sports, is there any other way I can increase my metabolism speed?

diet drugs frequently work by increasing your metabolism. don t take them. they ll wreck your body. i ve included some tips for losing weight below... find a bmi calculator. go to it ll tell you if you re overweight.hi! i m a 20-something american woman who lives in italy... during high school and university i was hopeless, but due to some weird circumstances in my life i ended up becoming a track runner and moving to italy. i ve learned a lot about this can really easily be screwed by a number of factors in the states... NO, i m not going to tell you to workout or go run, but there are a few things you should know...the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat. you ll need to find how many calories you need to eat every day- (this depends on your gender, height, age, etc) i ll post a link for an online calculator below.the average calorie intake listed on the back of every package in an american grocery store is 2,500 calories daily. IF YOU ARE A TEEN GIRL, this is probably very wrong. your calorie needs are probably much less. (the 2,500 cal average american takes in a lot of old, fat, tall men.) MY average is 2,200- but i work out 5 times per week.PLEASE find a good online calculator, but a 5 7 girl at 130 lbs who does NO physical activity would need about 1,500 to MAINTAIN her put this in perspective: a super size big mac meal at mc donald s has 1,600 calories. great, if you only want to eat one meal per day.after you figure out how many calories you need to eat every day; here are some simple rules:1. cut out any beverage that s not water. if you think you can t do it; make iced tea or lemonade at home. (20 oz of coke = 250 calories, a venti mocha frappuccino at starbucks = 500. that s a lot of calories, when you consider a big mac has 600, and a plate of pasta with tomato sauce about 400... though that s an ENORMOUS plate of pasta- versus one very SMALL hamburger.)2. don t eat any sauce you can t see through. (mayo has about 100 calories per tablespoon, 1 packet of ranch dressing at mc donald s = 230, barbecue, etc. i have included a link below for a site that will tell you the calorie count of the foods you eat at restaurants: don t eat while watching television, and don t eat straight out of the bag ... put a portion on a plate- you ll be more aware of how much you re eating.4. don t buy snack sizes you ll eat 20% more snack size oreos than the big ones... they ve planned it that way. (though oreo does now make 100 calorie per bag oreos. they don t have cream filling.)5. prepare your own food. american food labeling is crap. reduced fat can mean that it s reduced from the ORIGINAL product, which doesn t get you anywhere, if the original product was a coronary in a bag. when you prepare it yourself, you know what you re eating.6. if you do decide to do something active, make it something you like, join a group, go at least twice a week, and you have to go even if you don t feel like it. if you don t follow these rules, you won t stick to it, i promise.7. don t look at your weight, look at your BMI. (your body mass index) an average girl should have a bmi of about 20%-- meaning that 20% of her body weight is composed of fat. (a HEALTHY 5 2 girl that s 100 lbs, will carry about 20 lbs of fat. it s dangerous to get below 13%. if the same 5 2 girl weighs 160, it s unhealthy- but not because of the pounds, because the PERCENTAGE of fat is WAY too high.) anyway, if you re bmi is healthy, you re healthy. there are bmi calculators online that will tell you your percentage.8. eat every 3 hours, if you can, small portions. set the alarm on your cell if you need to. take a power bar (or similar) in you purse ALWAYS. (i like LUNA bars, they re $1 per, but taste good, and will actually save you money, as they ve got all the vitamins and minerals of a full meal.) if you HAVE to eat fast food, order kid s portions.i know a lot of professional female athletes, and although they don t have tummies, many have a diffcult time getting a 6-pack (abs), and most of them have cellulite on their thighs. cellulite can be made worse by eating saturated fat (butter), and those deposits can be nearly permanent. the quickest way to reduce the appearance of cellulite, i think would be tanning cream.if you have any amount of fat, it will show up first on your stomach. there are a lot of people that have strong stomach muscles, but the smallest bit of fat will cover over it right away. so a 300lb woman might have stomach muscles of britney spears (i m not talking about a ripped tummy, but a cute flat beachy one... :p ), but seeing as the stomach is the first place fat goes, you d need to get rid of the fat before you d be able to see what s underneath. a 6 pack , therefore is really a sign of someone in very, very good health.i won t tell you to exercise, but remember- the more you move your body, the more you can eat without worry!all diet programs that you PAY for offer do everything i ve just said for you, esp. weight watchers, whose point system is exactly what i ve done above.hope i didn t sound preachy, and i hope it helped.p.s. when you look for info online, especially calculators, make sure the source is reliable (like, and make sure to type in teenage girl . you have special, different dietary needs. you ll need a bmi calculator, calorie intake calculator. then will tell you how many calories are in the food you re eating.Source(s):,

Here s a height weight chart:��Depending on what you find you can go to and look up exercises to improve certain parts of your body. (it shows what exercises effect what areas)

Do lots of cardio!!! I weigh the same but I am seven inches taller than you. I work out every day though.

If you have to ASK, trust me, you have nothing to worry about.