Saturday, May 26, 2007

Need good weight loss tips!!!? -

I need to lose a little weight, and i m not sure how to go about doing it...any advice?

Here are some weight loss diet tips that can be followed anywhere, everyday:1. Make a delicious low fat mayonnaise by combining one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or satay sauce with a low fat yogurt.2. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals slicks the body into slowing down the metabolism, attempting to conserve calories during a period where limited fats and fuel are available. Remember that eating increases the metabolism.3. Stuff vegetables like capsicum and zucchini with flavored fillings or minced chicken, white meat or fish. These are healthy and contain low fat.4. Eight hours after waking up, our metabolism slows down that is why 30 minutes of exercise before dinner will increase the metabolism for about two to three hours. This produces an increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over.

Look at what you are eating. Keep a food diary, then take one day at a time to change your meals and what you intake. What simple changes can you make that you really can live with. Eat in moderation. Eat with portion control. Eat five a day (fruits, veggies). Drink plenty of water. Try to fit in walking, running, or any active physical fitness activity, at least 3-5 times a week. Either walking for 20-30 minutes, or other things you can LIVE with. But remember to move in order to LOSE. You can eat right but if you aren t burning calories that s not gonna help you get rid of some pounds. Good luck and remember to take your time and remember it took you a long time to gain the weight, so it won t be a quick weight loss in return. It takes time. This is a lifetime SHIFT of your eating habits.