Monday, May 21, 2007

Need to lose weight, the healthy way? -

Okay, I m 13 (turning 14 on saturday) and I m overweight.I need some weight loss tips that actually work.And please don t say anything like get off the computer fatty! or anything please.I m just looking for help.Also I will not use any pills or anything, not things like acai berry or colon cleansers, i want to lose it healthily.A workout regime would be helpful as well, also some food pointers?

It s good that you won t take diet pills, most of them are a load of rubbish anyway and there is no magic solution . The only real way to lose weight is healthy diet and exercise, cut out fats and sugars straight away as these are the most damaging thing, as you are only 13 don t cut out too much else from your diet as you are still growing. Just add more healthy foods such as fruit and vegetable to your diet to replace some of the unhealthy foods, e.g. take an orange to school as a snack instead of crisps.ExerciseTry walking and cycling, if you usually get a lift to school try cycling instead? I find the best way is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine rather than making it a chore, e.g. take the stairs rather than the lift when you can. Try walking more rather than getting lifts or catching the bus. If you can t do anything like this then the best exercises you will be able to do without joining a gym are:Jogging - go with a friend if you feel awkward running about on your own.SwimmingCyclingGet some exercise DVDs and do them with a friend once a week - good for a laugh also as you will look like right idiots prancing about the room!In general get more active, if you find yourself sitting on the sofa watching TV just think, what else could I be doing now? Things like just doing the hoovering or something burn more calories than sitting doing nothing, so just keep this in mind day to day.Some good, quick and easy exercises you can do in your bedroom are:Step ups - Get something you can step onto and step up and down onto it,Sit ups,Leg lifts - either lying on your side or your back, add weights for more resistance,Get a stepper - I used to do 30 mins a day while watching hollyoaks, made it easier to go for longer if I had something to watch.Hula-hoop - sounds silly but it really tones your tummy and is quite tiring!sorry that was a really long answer!!

Get an exercising buddy, preferably same sex as you. Fat or slim doesnt really matter, but it just matters when you both push your limits together and lose that flab.Smiling and happily doing your exercise also helps alot, trust me.

Acai berry is very good for you. Don t eat late at night and exercise 5 times a week.