Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Whats Your Best Dieting / Weight Loss Tip? -

Put on 5 pounds over chrimo and need to shed that turkey, plus a little more. What is your single best tip for a bit of new year weight loss?

eat less/ do more

special k diet works i lost 7 pounds in two weeks i was only 125 but i needed to lose the 5 pounds i gained the summer cuz i fly on my cheer team i went from 125 to 118 replace 2 of ur meals wit a bowl of special k n eat the 3rd meal as yu usaully would and bam the fat is gone Report Abuse

Get Paul McKenna s I can make you thin book and cd it really works, not a diet just a change of attitude towards food, good luck.

Slimfast - try it on two meals for two weeks and you should be able to lose the few extra pounds. Cut out bad food too and try a little gentle exercise. Good luck.

I want to lose some too, but I ll tell you, the greatest success I had was when I lowered my carbs and starting jogging. The weight came off so fast. It was unbelievable.

Hard exercise.... uphill running w/ long strides, swimming (hard, not just floating around), skip rope continuously for 5+ mins, cycling (stationary or not..) for 30 minutes or more..Eating less altogether. Half of what you d normally eat.Good sleep, lots of water.

Just stick to these 2 simple rules1. Only eat when you feel hungry2. Stop eating when you a full/satisfied.Excercise is helpfull too as it increases the matobolism rate there fore burning the fat quicker, and dont think of exercise as you have to go to the gym etc, try going for a walk in the park 2/3 times a week.Don t listen to all the cruddy diet advice where they tell you what you should eat and what you cant eat, and how many spoon fulls or grmms you can have etc.. its totally unrealistic and you will only fail as we always crave the things were not allowed.Trust me it will work, good luck xx

work it off in the sack lol

Just makes ur self active and love doing it. Like if like to go to the club just for the music, this time u go to the dance floor and shakes that money maker!!!lol, but stop eating heavy dinner, eat ur dinner but not so heavy....exercise at night really work for me...beside takes a walk in the mall....just and u dont fell like u exercising....good luck!

eat less/ do more excerise

the best thing is to stop doing things that you take for grantard walk dont take the car !!!dont eat choclate eat fruit !!!!keep a record of the stuff you have eaten!!!believe me it works my mum tried it and lost 8pound!!!

Plenty sex will soon burn excess calories off!

Basically to loose weight, without too much exercise, you have to reduce you calorie intake to below you calarie expenditure- in other words burn more than you put in.So, it s not about eating less, but eating more good foods and smaller sizes more frequentlyStress can make you gain weight.How to cope?No more sugar or carbs!You have to completely cut simple sugars and carbs completely out of your diet.That means no white bread, soda, white rice, white flour, deep-fried food, potatoes (only sweet potatoes allowed), crisps, chips, cakes, ice-cream, etc., nothing naughty!That also means no more foods with very high calorie content such as non-skim milk, cream, fatty cheeses (cream/cottage).Eat more fibrous foods such as whole cereals (wholegrain bread/farmer s bread) and brown/black rice.Use a sugar substitute such as Saccharine.No more fancy coffees for you! Have skinny caps, macchiatos and skinny lattes with an arttifical sweetener (these are safe and have 0 cal).Coffee, tea and green tea are all fantastic as these will naturally boost your metabolism. Boost it further with vitaminDrink only water at evening meal times and all artifical sweets must not be eaten past 7 pm.You can eat some chocky first thing in the morning only though.No more sugary cereals- muesli only or fruit bran or toast or whatever. You can be less strict with breakfast- bu no more fry-ups unless you are prepared to miss lunch and dinner (it has enough energy to fuel your entire day)Nuts are also extremely high in energy-so eat a handful as a main serving size.Your meals should be three fist-sizes of food: one fist protein, one fist veg, the other veg/fibre. So an example would be grilled smallish chicken breast in a red-wine pasta sauce, steamed asparagus, carrots and squash. Easy- and cooked in 30 mins.Roast, bake, steam or pan-fry your foods only. Nothing fried allowed.Supplements such as ginseng and guarana (but not too slose to sleep time).Eat as much fruit and veg as possible and keep red meats to a minimum.Substitute whatever sweets you may choose to snack on with raisins, dried fruit (unsweetened) or fresh fruit. Your body will soon get used to complex sugars instead of glucose/sucrose and you will feel more rejuvenated and less craving for sweets.Take multi-vitamins. They ll do more good than harm and you will within a week feel like a new person (trust me I went to uni too).Keep away from sodas/soft-drink as these are loaded with oxidants and sugars.If you indulge in alcohol- detox the next day by flushing your body with plenty of water, Berocca and juice (I like apple).I think you re tired because of dehydration/malnurishment.Best of luck- been there and done it and I m lazy. So I m sure you can do it too as you re young.

My best tip for a bit of new year weight loss would be; Stick at it!Swap sugary/chocolately snacks for fruit. Eat 3 meals a day, thats breaky, lunch n dinner. first meal should be fairly small such as a bowl of bran based cereal and a piece of fruit. Lunch should be a bit bigger, such as a salad with skinned meat and pine nuts, or a wholemeal / brown meat and salad sarnie, packet of light cripsps, piece of fruit and a small yoghurt. Dinner should be a bit bigger than lunch such as boiled/light fry/ grill or oven baked meat or fish with bolied spuds or rice or pasta and boiled or steamed veg. A mid morning and mid aftrnoon snack of a satsuma for each snack. and pudding after dinner should contain fruit, I like bannana split made with light natural yoghurt and mixed raisins. Walk as uch as you can and keep it up, good luck

exercise and sensible eating

Every time you feel like snacking, eat a piece of fruit in stead (chances are you ll end up having no snack at all! lol)Also, if you feel a bit hungry, have a glass of water and see if the hungry feeling passes - we often confuse thirst with hunger.

I have tried a new plan..........and i am losing have to eat half or a quarter what you eat or drink....also after eating don t let it go to your rear......i have been active after i eat plus if your a music fanatic, like me dancing is really good exercise..... plus u don t have to kill urself losing only takes 15 MINUTES TO EXERCISE!!! Plus don t forget to give yourself a treat....


no snacking 3 hours before bedtime

Food that cause you loss weight base onlow fat vegetarian diet20 Foods You Can Eat in Virtually Unlimited PortionsCorn Celery whole wheat breadsbrownRice PeasPotatoes CauliflowerLettuce (all varieties) TomatoesBroccoli CabbageCarrots OrangesBlack beans ApplesKidney Beans GrapefruitSpinach BananasPlant-based diets promote slimness,while Animal products promote overweight.Foods to avoidAll vegetable oil, (Avocado, Olive oil)Animal products Dairies (milk- butter- cheese)Sugar(honey)Exercise Moderatebelieve me i try it and i lost 8 -9 pounds in less than 1 months. I tried atkins or southbeach diet or all fad diets, and i was always weak and hungry and all the lost came back after i stoped. but with this i am feel full all the time and losing weight. first you start to loss sizes and then you loss on the scale.try it and you wont believe it. Source(s)��This book is my bible just try it for one months and don t scare to eat carbs( i was so scared) but not anymore

chuck out or give away any unhealth foods and make your own lunches rather than buying happy slimming

eat a big breakfast, i find this stops me wanting to snack between meals, make sure you do eat set meals, breakfast, dinner and tea if you feel like you want a snack have fruit, or soup. the craving for snack only last minutes so keep your mind busy, go for walks. buy a dog or something this will meen you have to go for at least one walk a day and it will give you something to do as one of the main reasons we snack is through boredom not hunger. good luck

Try a cleansing diet! I did and lost 11 pounds and 21 inches in only 9 days. I was very happy with the results and continued on the program and lost 29 pounds in 5 weeks. This is the fastest I have ever lost with other diets like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Medifast, Slimfast etc��. Cleansing works by removing toxins from your body. You get toxins from your food (pesticides, preservatives, food additives, colorings) water, chemicals, pollution, medications, alcohol, hormones that the animals you eat were fed etc��.YUCK! The toxins get coated with fat and remain in your body. To remove the fat, you have to remove the toxins. This system worked for me, maybe it can work for you too. You can check out the website or call this toll free number 1-877-587-4647 for more info. The program is not cheap, but it is worth every penny since it works and keeps you motivated. Good luck! More cleansing info at

Everyone s different, but personally I find it easier to restrict calories earlier in the day than at night. If I eat a light breakfast and lunch (even SlimFast shakes, for example), and then a heavier dinner I ll find myself feeling more satisfied at the end of the day.So, basically my tip is to identify at what point in the day you find it hardest to resist the urge to eat, and eat your most satisfying meal at that point, and then restrict calories at other times of the day when your appetite tends to be lower.Also, try to find satisfying foods that you ll still enjoy that are lower in calories. For instance, if you like big hamburgers, but also enjoy grilled chicken sandwiches, obviously the grilled chicken sandwich is going to save you a lot calories and be better for you than that big half pound burger. And then you can leave off that fatty mayonnaise and perhaps substitue it with something else like mustard, ketchup or some other non-caloric item. Lastly, one big thing you can do that most don t think of is to take a sugar-free fiber supplement. If you buy sugar-free citrucel, and take a good dose of this ten or fifteen minutes before dinner, this stuff actually expands in the stomach and forms a gel-like mass and so you ll likely feel fuller faster when you start to eat. Plus, the fiber will greatly slow down the rate at which sugar from the food enters the bloodstream, thus lowering the glycemic index of your meal and lowering the insulin response, and research suggests that lowering the glycemic index of meals helps people to lose weight independent of caloric intake. And when your meals are digested more slowly due to the increased fiber intake, you ll actually feel satiated longer in-between meals and may feel the need to snack less.

Check the following diet tips Diet Reminder Application it may help to have a diet Quiz to increase your diet Information use Diet Calculator Wishes,Have a Nice Day

get a life


go diving. seriously.