Thursday, August 23, 2007

Weight loss tips? Losing weight quickly? -

Serious answers only please. not sure how much weight you want to lose but the first like 20 lbs come off really easily. I did the special k diet for 1 week and walked 6 miles every other day and lost almost 10 lbs. I was really happy but got lazy and stopped doing it. hahaha. just be patient, eat healthy, exercise. And most importantly dont get discouraged if you have an off day. Just pick yourself up and keep going. It happens to everyone!

In order to lose weight effectively, first you need to know your own unique body type. We are all different to each other. There are 5 different body types. Type A; Tall with long limbs. Heavily-boned. Well developed muscles and bones. Strong joints and face lines. Too much carbohydrates could cause illness. Dominating endocrine organ; PituitariumType B; Thin and lithe body with Long neck. Brisk in motion. Thin but big eater. Too much stress could be the main cause of weight gain. Dominating endocrine organ; Thyroid glandType C; Larger hip and bust and chubbier thighs and waist. Plump impression. Relaxing could help burning fat. Dominating endocrine organ; ParanephrostType D; Hourglass-like body. Rounder body with tiny waist. Larger bust and hip. Dairy products and vegetables can enhance metabolism.Dominating endocrine organ; Reproductive glandType E; Smaller and thinner figure. Smaller bust. Teenager-like body structure. Unbalanced diet is taboo. Need a variety of foods in her/his diet. Dominating endocrine organ; Reproductive gland and PituitariumTo figure out which type you are in you just need to answer few questions. (��Type A:The basic of weight loss rules for Type A is Low Allergen Foods. To stabilize the Pituitarium function, control the balance of thyroid and adrenal hormone which could be disturbed by the intake of too much refined carbohydrates. Although you prefer the dairy products, if you take them too much, it could cause obesity and arthritis. You also tend to skip the regular meals, and to eat without chewing the food thoroughly, which could lead to stomach problems. Type B:The Keyword for Type B weight loss method is high protein diet. You can be affected by meal pattern easily. Follow your meal plan to help your thyroid functions. Type B people tends to have coffee, alcohol or sweets when they get stressed. You have quite high metabolism so you don t put on weight easily even you eat a lot. However, when your metabolism is low because of stress, it is getting easier to put on weight. Type C:Regular meals to provide energy for the body and to help Paranephrost is so important for Type C. Simple foods with variety is the key for your healthy diet. You don t really care if you eat same thing every day or where you eat. At the same time, some of Type Cs loves to eat out as the opportunity to relax.Type D: Dairy + Vegetable diet to stabilize reproductive hormone and to enhance your metabolism. As Type D has slower metabolism, easy-to-digest foods which can change into energy quickly are good for you. Being complete vegetarian is not so hard thing to do for type D people. Type D people prefer to eat with friends and family in home environment rather than restaurants. Type E: Semi-vegetarian diet is suitable for Type E people. You can eat a variety of food and if it was sensible amount it won t affect your health much. Type E people tends to eat only what they like the most as a meal, such as ice creams.

1. dont bank on the words fast quick stay safe,you shoudnt lose beyond 3 pounds of fat per week2. start brisk walking 1-2 hrs a day3. drink only water,lowfat milk and lots of green tea4. severely limit carbs n fat but eat lean proteins and veggies very well..make sure you eat a good breakfast!5. do lots of pilates/yoga/strength training to get the best from your other efforts6. get a dog or 2 if you find your walking routine boring..or if you are at a gym,experiment all forms of cardio available and stick to all that you like7. always push yourself n never give up!but get enough rest too...8. be smart when eating out or at events/functions9. dont trust myths like no food after 7pm have to stay nourished to lose fat,..the best you can do if you are scared to eat is perhaps drink a glass of ice chocolate lowfat milk mixed with a tsp of instant softened oatmeal... 10. Stay focused on your goal and God bless you...

Ok - your question wasn t about what is best for you or best for keeping the weight off or I would answer more like the above answers. You asked for Tips on weight loss and quickly....I know it s difficult but some times you need to get weight off fast. Some tips would beDrink 12 oz. of water when you have the urge to eat -then wait at least 15 minutes to see if you really are hungry-before you do eat.Drink 8 -8oz glasses of water a day - or more, but not all at once. In other words don t flood your self... space it out.Make a rule to not eat after 7 p.m. regardlessStop eatting when you are content, not stuffed or full, but when you are comfortable and you could still eat some more-but dont.Get rid of the temptations-junk foods and sweetsIf you are healthy - you can decrease carbs and increase lean protein. The protein will keep you full longer. Most people are hungry after a simple carbohydrate diet- try it... if you have a scramble egg or chicken or tuna for breakfast, you don t think of food as soon or as often.Cut out the white stuff.... potatoes, bread, pasta ect. ect. ect. ( alot of what we call the good stuff, grrrrrr) and sugar.Increase your body s movement... just move move move. When you wake up put on athletic shoes/tennis shoes/nike s what ever makes you feel like moving a little faster. Watch your intake of calories- try to cut back whatever you where taking in that caused you to gain the weight.For the quick fix weight loss... drink water, move, increase the protein really cut back on the carbs-except good carbs ---Like salads, strawberries, blueberries, green beans, brocolli, pickles,egg beaters or eggs, tuna, fish, poultry, lean cuts of meat, nuts..... make your main diet of the south beach like type foods and the weight will come off quickly!!!!Hope this helps! Best of luck!!!!!

I can make you a nutrition plan, I also am a personal trainer so I could teach you exercises if you are near my gym in san dimas.Send me an email if you want me to help you. The nutrition plan can be done from anywhere as long as you have internet access.

try these sites����

When it comes to losing weight a combination of calorie reduction and exercise is the only way to get and maintain the loss. By the way, at the outset you should know that losing weight quickly isn t usually your best bet for maintaining weight loss.With that in mind, consider the following...Some people, when considering what type of exercise they need to undertake inorder to lose weight having in mind walking vs. running. Walking is just as good as running, in general. It might also be noted that any exercise that burns calories (as long as it is combined with proper nutrition) will result in weight loss -- some exercises burn larger amounts of calories in a shorter period, but if you ll stick to a good regimen then you ll do fine.I work with a number of professionals, students, and stay-at-home parents who don t have time for the gym, can t go running or walking outside of their homes or offices, and they are still able to keep themselves fit. There are a number (quite a number) of good in-home exercises you can do with a minimum amount of equipement.Just so you ll know something about exercise and calories, consider the following:1) Spot-reducing really isn t possible unless you opt for surgery.2) Not all exercise regimens are created equal. For example: If you do sit-ups at the rate of 1 per second for 30 minutes (1800 sit-ups) then you ll burn 140 calories (this is approximately the amount of calories in 1 can of Coke or 1/2 of a chocolate donut).In other words, sit-ups aren t going to do the trick (walking is much more effective) since it takes a reduction of calories or a combination of reduced calories and higher energy expenditure (burning calories) to lose weight. If you burn or restrict your diet by 3500 calories you ll lose 1 pound.I ve been helping people stay healthy for a more than 20 years, I teach ongoing nutrition, cooking, and health classes and I can tell you that losing weight requires a combination of both exercise and caloric restriction but with a proper nutrition balance. Believe me when I tell you that you don t necessarily want to lose weight fast. What you should be looking for is steady, functional fat loss (i.e., weight that stays off once it is gone).Once you read what I ll write below, if you have any specific questions I ll try to answer them either on the FAQ side of my personal website or on my blog -- I won t use your name in either case if you don t want me to. You might also want to visit the FAQ section because it may have some helpful hints for you. If you want to lose weight in a healthy manner, keep the following in mind:1) Check with your physician to be certain that you are physically able to reduce your calories and increase your exercise habits safely.2) Make certain that the calories you are eating are as balanced as possible. When I say balanced I don t mean that they have to all equal the same number of calories. Instead, finding out how much protein, carbs, and fats your body needs on a daily basis (this will vary depending on your metabolic type but a decent example is the 40-40-20 plan -- 40% of calories from protein, 40% from unrefined carbs, and 20% from fats and oils) can really help keep your energy levels high all day long. The #1 reason my clients tell me that they ve stopped dieting or exercising in the past is because of low energy ebbs. Splitting the amount of calories you can have per day into 5 - 6 smaller meals will help tremendously (this keeps your body fueled and ready to go and you also know that your next meal is only a couple of hours away).Knowing what your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is will certainly help you determine how to be calorie conscious. Again, you can find out about BMR and RMR on my site -- it s just too much information to post here. Also remember that you may or may not need supplements to help things along.3) While exercising (before, during, and after) be sure to consume enough water. The key is not to be thirsty (overtly) during this time of exercise.4) Adding weight bearing exercise (i.e., lifting weights) will help to tone your body and the thermogenic (fat burning) effect will last long after you ve stopped working out -- even if your workout is simply walking).5) Remember that you ll probably hit plateaus (times when you ll stop losing weight) several times during your weight loss progress. This is completely normal and is only temporary but it can last for a couple of weeks at a time. It is very important to remember that even if your scale isn t showing progress, your entire body is being positively effected by your efforts.6) Measure different parts of your body (neck, upper arms, lower arms, chest, abs, waist, belly, butt, thighs, etc.) and do it accurately. Write these measurements down and check them once every 2 weeks. This will help you remember that your body is reducing all over -- not just in one particular area. If you re weight training you may actually notice a slight increase in some areas of your body (don t worry -- if you re a woman you won t start looking like a bodybuilder).Again, there s no such thing as spot-reducing (for things like belly fat or thigh fat etc) unless you re talking about surgery. Fat is burned off of the body from all over the body. The reason it seems as though some people can spot-reduce is because, in general, the ankles, thighs, arms, and neck (and obviously the head) don t have as much fat accumulated around them. The reason is simple physics -- your chest to abdomen area (including your back) is a MUCH broader space for fat to be stored. So, it s obvious that this area will also lose a greater amount (but not percentage -- at least in the beginning) of fat.7) Keep focused on your end goal and concentrate on losing maybe 1 pound a week -- sometimes you ll lose more, sometimes less. As long as it s an average, it s okay. In general, if you ll cut back 250 calories a day and burn 250 calories a day (total: 500) then you ll lose 1 pound a week. Doing this will also help you keep your skin tone whereas losing 60 pounds through dieting along (caloric restriction) could result in sagging (still, a little extra skin is better than cardiac problems).8) Lastly, remember that you re doing a WONDERFUL thing for your body.I ve worked with hundreds of people in the past 20 years (mostly women) who have lost (individually) HUNDREDS of pounds safely. Better still, they ve kept it off -- Kay lost over 350 pounds and has been at her goal weight for 7 years now.As for what to take (if anything), that depends entirely on what your body needs. Anyone who suggests that you take something that works for everyone is either confused or deluded. For example, if you had a twin brother or sister your bodies could react completely different to certain supplements or foods on a metabolic level. If you want to learn more about what you might want to take and how to calculate your BMR, you can visit my site (below). You can also write me at: and we can talk about what you might want to try if you actually need supplements.Any questions, don t hesitate to write and ask.Lonnie Honeycutt, C.N.C.Your Health Is My Concern