Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What are the best weight loss tips/dieting sites?? -

I would be honored if you would have a look at my site, plenty of reviews and articles.http://www.w8lossreviews.com

hi,If you are looking for weight loss pills or weight loss supplements, it may help you for some time and your body might regain the weight very soon again. So better you try some homeremedies that are safe and cure your problems from the root.* Drink 1 glass of warm water mixed with juice of half a lime and 1 tsp honey on an empty stomach in the morning* add 3 tsp of limejuice, ? tsp pepper powder and some honey in 1 cup of water. Drink this everyday for about 3-4 months. * As a substitute of breakfast, consume 2 ripe tomatoes in the morning. This remedy will aid in reducing your weight at a faster rate.

I like hungry-girl.com. One of the best resources out there about new food products, healthier alternatives and dangers to avoid. Also some good swap recipes. I don t buy into everything on there, but I have learned about some things that I have incorporated into my diet.

I think slim-fast.com is a great resource!! Even if you don t use their products (which I am a fan of), there are a lot of great tips. They also have tools like a weekly weigh-in feature where you can chart your progress.

hey just surfing the net i found a very nice blog dedicated to weight loss tips and natural weight loss programs like diet and exercises. Hope this will work!!

Hi buddy Come on hurry up to know lot of tips to reduce your weight. I found quite a number of tips and sites for weight loss. Just visit the link and i hope this will really help you very much.http://www.yoga-for-health.biz/exercise.��http://www.healthylivingforeveryone.us/d��

This article will detail you on how to lose fat . http://www.discussbodybuilding.com/m_111��I highly recommend you join their site, they are really into nutrition and there are none of this nonsense about losing 30lbs in 30 days, detox diets, low carbs diets, but rather they encourage healthy eating which you can sustain for a lifetime, rather than diets where they are hard to sustain for a long period.