Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lose 15-20 lbs in one month ? -

tips and tricks to maximize weight loss.tips and tricks to decrease weight loss intolerance.tips and tricks to maximize weight loss on Atkins induction phase.

john s answer is correct and healthy. with that said i will offer a strategy that will work, even though i am not suggesting you use it. it is a little extreme for most people but if you can adhere to it you will lose weight, and quickly. buy powdered whey protein (gnc s brand is my personal favorite) and three times a day replace your meal with 24oz of water and a scoop (about 18-24 grams) of protein powder. after day two you will be very hungry and i suggest a blackened chicken ceasar salad for dinner. you will need the oil base as the protien may cause bowel problems. if you are able/willing to exercise that will help you to actually lose fat as opposed to water weight alone. again john is correct, cardio such as hill sprints with a rest in between or fast. slow, fast jogging work great. swimming is great for muscle tone and easy on the joints. if you choose not to exercise than adhere to the three times daily whey protein and water and add a ceasar salad every other day. you do this for a month and you will lose weight. if you need to ease in the first week for dinner have chicken and steamed broccoli (with a light dusting of a strong cheese). there is no way to avoid the shcok of no carbs and drastically decreased caloric intake but after the first week you will go from grumpy to motivated. you will see results quickly which may compund on themselves. again, this is not a healthy way to lose weight but it will definitely get you started quickly and hopefully provide the motivation to continue in a healthy manner...and you will lose weight rapidly!

One great tip to maximize weight loss is do cardio in the morning before your first meal. This will target your body s calorie burning to fat.Further, rather than doing slow cardio do high intensity cardio exercises for thirty minutes, five times per week. This includes sprints up hills (followed by rest) or running while alternating your pace between a jog and a sprint.Lastly, eat healthy! Eating six small meals per day as opposed to three large ones will speed up your metabolism, and being sure you are eating balanced meals will let your body maximally benefit from your diet.

thats a good amount of weight to be lost, and it is possible to loose 60lbs in 3 months, me and my friend are on this program, and she has already lost 60lbs in 3 months time..I have started this program and lost 5 lbs in 1 week, it very encouraging and safe way to loose weight, no diet, no diet pills, and no excercise required , just 1 simple plan.if you need more info, email her at bodyline09@gmail.com

Eat normal one day and then eat light another day. Go back and forth and exercise at least one hour a day. Now let me tell you a true story. Many a year ago a friend dropped 25 lbs in one month and his room mate came home and found him dead over his computer. Because his heart couldn t take the drop of weight. It is not healthy to lose that much in one time.Lose 10 lbs a month at max.

I don;t know anything about the Atkins diet, but I would honestly recommend a slight diet change (eat healthier) and exercise on a exercise bike for half an hour daily (with resistance) and you could lose up to 5lbs a week, totalling upto 20lbs a month.

Lemon Detox Diet.http://www.ehow.com/how_2337328_make-lemon-detox-diet.html


less eating.its called eating healthy food like veggiesand brocoli,mash potatoesapple and orange juice


Cut off your leg.It s just as unhealthy.

I lost 24 pounds in 2 weeks on Adkins, I ate all I wanted and did it correctly.

liposuction.jk.no seriously..Increase metabolism. I just recently found out that increasing your metabolism is exactly what dieting is.

join wrestling

that makes sense.

Aww! Don t cut off your legs. That s stupid. Just stop eating.

Think Thats Unhealthy.Its Normal To Loose 5-8 LBS a month.15-20 is ALOT!:|

swimming is the best way to lose weight...

Try some severe stress with a side of depression.I ve lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks.I d give details, but it s a long story.

Losing 20 lbs in a month isn t healthy.

I ll tell you what worked for me. I completely gave up soda, juice and all other crappy drinks. I drink ONLY water.Eat fruits and vegetables for 1 month. Try it!