Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to lose weight off the behind and thighs? -

Any exercises?

I have lost 50 lbs. in 3 months and I know this will work. Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours, eat your last meal 2-3 hours before you go to sleep. Do not starve yourself or your body will go into survival mode where anything you eat will be turned into FAT. This will help you a lot but if you want more results you can exercise 3-4 days a week,For exercise try this (it worked for me ) include weight training and especially cardio (walking especially running). If you set your mind to lose the weight you will lose it and when you start seeing how good you look you ll want to keep going.

I would look into Davina Macalls DVDs I don t know if she has books but that is where she puts on weight